Tuesday, May 20, 2008

4. Jae meets Yun

JaeJoong walk up to the roof top of his school building. He planned to take a little nap up there, in his little secret place.
'YooSu are annoying! Aigoo..' he mumbled, still feel irritated by their previous conversation. So he sit down. He was hiding at one, dark corner and start dozing off.

JaeJoong's eomuni POV at home: "I wonder what that lazy (beondaegi) cocoon is doing.. I hope my boy is learning well at school... la la.." (starts singing and cook)

JaeJoong's POV on the roof:"What a nice weather... zzzzzZZz.." and forgetting the mother's advice..


"Seul Gi, come with me.." Prince Yun came and grab Seul Gi's arm before she could say a word. Her friends were smiling and waving at her like idiot.
'Seul Gi, hwaiting!!' They cheered together.

"What the hell..??" Seul Gi sighed. The girls thought something good would happen to Seul Gi today. Afterall, she is Prince Yun's fiancee.

But Prince Yun and Seul Gi were quarrelling softly along the way. Yunho felt bad for forcing her to go with him but he needs to talk to Seul Gi about something. Something important.

"Yun! Where are you dragging me!!" Seul Gi shouts as they reached the roof top.
JaeJoong snapped from his sleep. The girl's voice just woke him up.
'Aishh.. dugu ya? (Who is that) Why can't they leave me in peace..' JaeJoong got up, hide behind the wall and peek.

'Omo!' He gasped.

"Just who did I saw?" JaeJoong whispered. The girl is Seul Gi, the spoilt wangja's fiancee!

JaeJoong knew eavesdropping is bad, but he couldn't help it. He closed his mouth with his hand as he saw the glittering Prince Yun is there as well. He locked his eyes on Prince Yun. JaeJoong couldn't deny his prettiness.

"Yunnie.. Why are you behaving like this..?" Seul Gi said.

"I'm sorry. I'm not marrying you." Yunho answered.

"What? Just because I want to finish my studies first, then you decided to dump me? How could you!!" Seul Gi stomped her foot.

"No, I decide this just a while ago. So I thought I'd let you know." Yunho soft-spokenly replied her.

JaeJoong punched him palm. I knew Prince Yun is a bad person!
'He can't be all goody, isn't he..' JaeJoong thought and continue peeking.

"Can't you wait? Why must we get married now? Last week you told me you want us to be together as soon as possible.." Seul Gi sulking.

"Seul Gi-ya, that was LAST WEEK. Listen, I'm telling you TODAY. Now, I've decided NOT to marry you..." Yunho repeat himself.

"Dae! Dae! Gurae! I know! I was just making sure that you're serious..." Seul Gi yelled. She looked so sad and disappointed."Why, Yun.." She quietly sob.

Yunho looked Seul Gi in her eyes, feeling sad for her too. Yunho sighed and take a step closer to Seul Gi. He had to tell her.

"Because, I'm a gay.."

JaeJoong closed his mouth with both hands. Prince Yun is a GAY???!!! Holy the molly!!!

"Right. Very funny.." Seul Gi roll eyes. She didn't believe him.

"No, it's not funny! I am. Jinja eyo (Really)." Yunho face turn serious.

"You are?" Seul Gi widen her eyes, disbelief.

"Yes..." Yunho nods.

"Since when..." She question.

"Last week? After I said I want to marry you?" Yunho face turned idiotic.

'Does it makes any difference? Sounds to me he is making up excuses to break up with me.. Hmm..' Seul Gi took a moment before she decided.

'Right.. Prince Yun is breaking up with me. He is.'

'"Jerkkkk!!" Seul Gi slapped Yunho right on his face.

"Ouch!" JaeJoong gasped. He did not expect Prince Yun to be gay. He didn't expect a slap will come from Seul Gi either. This is so dramatic! JaeJoong still gasping behind the wall.

"Who is there?" Yunho shout loudly. He thought he heard someone.

Silence. JaeJoong just realized that he was spotted. 'Omo! Prince Yun knew I'm here... I'm so dead...!! I better run..' JaeJoong tried to run away, before he found out Yunho was already behind him.

"You!!" He said. JaeJoong turned around. Yunho was looking deeply into JaeJoong's brown eyes. JaeJoong was drawn into Prince Yun's beautiful eyes. He just freeze there, grinning.
JaeJoong's foot seems stuck on the ground.

"Dugu seyo?" Seul Gi step inside, looking at JaeJoong's guilty face. JaeJoong just grin at Seul Gi and remain silence. His eyes became big, aware of Yunho's gestures. JaeJoong's heart pounds rapidly.

"I... I.. I didn't hear anything... I have iPod in my ears.. So.. Goodbye!" He quickly made his run but Yunho is even faster. He grab JaeJoong's blazer and pull him back.

"You..." He said, staring at JaeJoong.

"Y..yyes?" JaeJoong broke a sweat, knowing that Yunho is going to rip his blazer any minute.

"Don't tell anyone.." Yunho paused and pinched JaeJoong's cheek a little."Or I'll make my bodyguards beat you up until you forgot your own name. You understand me?"

"Dd...dd.. dae! I understand it completely!" JaeJoong trembled and nods.

"Don't play dumb.. Or I'll make you become one.. I hate jokers like you.." Yunho poked JaeJoong's head.

"Yunnie.." Seul Gi sounds worried.

A prince should behave like a prince, not like a gangster! She called Yunho's name again, making him stop.

"Let's go Seul Gi.." Yunho grab Seul Gi's arm and walked away from JaeJoong.

"Praise the wangja.." JaeJoong said and quickly bow to the Prince, eventhough he reluctantly doing it. He just too scared with Yunho. He don't want to get into any trouble.

Yunho walking fast, dragging Seul Gi with him. JaeJoong smirk and put his tongue out as Yunho and Seul Gi disappeared to the staircase.
'What a jerk!! Stupid prince!' He cursed.
'Luckily Seul Gi has slapped you for me!' He smirked again.
'I'll definitely kick you the next time!!' JaeJoong lift his leg up and kick the air.
But boy, he was so scared when Yunho stared him with eagle-eyes.
'What a bad prince! I hate Prince Yun!!' he screamed.

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