Wednesday, May 21, 2008

12. Yun and Jae

Meanwhile on the other side of the palace, Wang Myung Soo and Yeowang Na Ra is arguing about Princess Jae's status.

"My dear empress, why are you so upset?"

"How could you not telling me, th.. that princess is a transgendered!"

"He had it only at that one place... and he still have a girly look, doesn't he..?" Wang Myungsoo answered."So now, Na Ra.. I've told you about it. Why you're still upset?" Wang Myung Soo continues.

"Bb.. because, I was deceived by that girly look of his!" She cries."I thought your late father chose a good bride, even if she's not from Royal family I don't give a damn. I'm willing to accept the fate. But this is getting too far beyond my expectation.." She said.

Wang MyungSoo smack the table hard. Yeowang NaRa flinched. She quickly bow. Wang Myungsoo got up and walk to and fro.

"Then Yeowang Na Ra? You want me to go inside my father's grave and ask him 'why'?" (Literally means 'You want me to go and die??')

"Joesunghamnida (forgive me), Your Majesty.." She apologized.

"If you want to blame someone, blame it on Princess Jae's mother!! She was the one behind this thing!"

Yeowang Na Ra smirk and make face before Wang Myung Soo turn behind. Wang Myung Soo give Yeowang Na Ra a piece of paper. She quickly took it and unfold it. Then she sigh.

"You've read it?" Wang MyungSoo ask.

"Dae.." She answer."It says, 'rank and gender is not the matter'."
Yeowang Na Ra refold the paper back.

"That was my father's last wish. We can't disobey." Wang MyungSoo said."Just look on the bright side, my empress. Harisu."

"What's up with her?" She ask.

"He is a transgendered too. Now, he is having a good life as a 'she'. So, smile a little my dear Na Ra. I'm sick and getting old. Who knows when I'm going to 'fly'."
('Fly' = die, in Royal language)

"Araseumnida. If you're happy, then I'm happy.. Your Majesty.." She agree, finally.

"Good." Wang Myungsoo manage to comfort Yeowang Na Ra.


Yunho and Siwon walk smartly. They were escourted by 4 other strong men. As Yunho walk across a palace garden, he bumped into Changmin and his men.

"Prince Min!" Siwon said.

"Prince Yun!" LeeTeuk said. They bow to the prince.

Both prince exchange the stare to each other.
'Aish..' Yunho sigh as he saw Changmin furious eyes looking deeply at him.

"I'm not going to pick a fight with you today, Min." he said. Changmin fall back.

"Actually I'm going to apologized as well for being rude to you all this while."

Again, Changmin fall back.

"I've decided not to fight with my brother again.." Yunho said. Changmin glare at Yunho, disbelief.

"Are you sure you are not drinking, Yun-hyung?" He ask. Yunho shakes his head.
"Then?" Changmin said.

Yunho come closer to him.
'I know you're gay.' He whispered to Changmin's ear.

Changmin almost faints.

"Mm.. mm.... mwo rago haesseo??" (WHAT!) He shouts.
'Hell, Yun.. You said that in front of other men here?' He whispered back to Yunho. Lee Teuk and Siwon cough a little.
'My Goodness...' they mumbled. Siwon and Leeteuk quickly ask the rest of the bodyguards to back off and leave the two prince alone.

Changmin let go a sigh.

'Sorry..' Yunho smack his own head.

'Sorry your ass!' Changmin snapped at him.

'Hey, I'm apologizing!' Yunho stares.

"Okay, Yun. Cut the crap out! What's up?" Changmin ask angrily.

"Regarding to that matter, you know.. G.A.Y... and I just found out that I might be gay too.." He said softly. Changmin eyes rounded in suprise.

"You are? Since when?"

"Only recently. I'm sorry I make fun of you before." Yunho answer. He smiles at Changmin. "Now I truly know how you feel... To like men.." He paused. "I'm sorry for those years I've been teasing you..."

Changmin bite his lips a little. Finally he nods. "Ohh.. okay.. Good to know that you're sorry. Apologies accepted! So, welcome to the club, I guess..." Changmin said.

Yunho laugh softly at Changmin's statement.

"Keurom, eodi gaship shiyo? (Then, where are you going -orthodox form) The way to your room is not this way.." He said.

"I'm going to see my future wife! Would you like to come..?"Yunho grin at Changmin. Somehow he got excited just to have thought of seeing Jaejoong.

Changmin shrug his shoulder. His lovely face turn sour."No, I don't think so." He replied.

"Come on, join me Min! I think that pink.. uh, er, princess will love to see some pretty boy like you." Yunho said.

"No, not today." Changmin look down with sad eyes. 'Your future wife..' he thought. "Then, are you going to be there just like this? You didn't bring any gift?" He ask Yunho.

"Why? Shouldn't he be grateful just to see me in flesh?" Yunho ask proudly.

'Aish... you stupid..' Changmin sigh."You should be bringing candy or chocolate.. Books says girls likes all that.."

"But he is not a girl...!" Yunho snapped.

"Then bring condom and porn magazines to him instead!!" He snap.

"Cc.. condom? Pp..p.. porn magazine?" Yunho gasp.

"Aigoo..~" Changmin sigh again. He thought Yunho is acting innocent.

Yunho stares to the air. He was completely blank about this matter because he never gives a guy anything. Zero knowledge on this.

"Oh.. I should bring a gift, huh..." Yunho ponder.
'Maybe a car? Or, another pink shoes? Uh.. I'm kinda stupid with gifts huh..' he mumble.
'Stupid is the right word for you, Yun..' Changmin laugh.
'Damn!' He stares at Changmin angrily.
'Haha.. Just give him candy, for heaven's sakes..!'
Changmin shakes his head. 'Yun, you're so dumb!' he thought.

"Anyway. Goodluck, Yun-hyung." He pat Yunho's shoulder and walk away. Lee Teuk and his men follow Changmin from behind. Yunho still blank, before Siwon came and whispered something to him.

"Right!" he snapped happily. Yunho continue walking, heading to Myoong Palace.


As Yunho reach Myoong Palace, the lady assistants halt his men from entering the palace. They can only let Yunho in. Yunho tell Siwon to stay behind and he continues entering the old, rusty palace. The lady assistant led him to the study room. Then, Yunho saw Jaejoong in his hanbok, sleeping on the table. Books were everywhere. He giggled by himself, adoring the cuteness.
'Aigoo.. neomu kieopta!' he thought.

The lady assistant went panic. She go up to Jaejoong and wake him up.
'Princess.. please wake up... don't do this... Please wake up...'

"No! Go away! Omma! I want to sleep some more..." He replied. Jaejoong turn his face to another side and continue sleeping. The lady look at Yunho's smiling face. Yunho give her a signal to go away and stop disturbing Jae. The lady hesistate at first.

"Let me wake him up myself.." Yunho did that signal and the lady understand it. She immediately got up. The lady steps backward exactly 10 steps before she bow to Yunho and leave. Yunho walks in and sit next to Jaejoong.

"Jagiya...~" he said. (Means: lover/dear..)

"Uhhh.." Jaejoong mumble.

"Jagiya....~" Yunho smiles and tickles Jaejoong's nose a little.

'Who the hell is disturbing me now.. Can't they leave me in peace...' Jaejoong become annoyed.


"Aishhh...~" Jaejoong wakes up and waves his hand to the air. Yunho back off a little, avoiding the hand-waves attack. Jaejoong open his eyes. To his suprise, Yunho is already next to him. He is looking at him.

Jaejoong quickly wipe off his drool. He flinch a little. His knee almost bang the table.
'Wh.. what the hell...' he thought.
Yunho is stil smiling cheesily at him. He does not look angry like how he was on the school rooftop.

"Are you tired, dear?" Yunho ask Jaejoong softly.

"Mwo? Dear!!?" Jaejoong frown.

"Don't look so suprise, pink shoes...."

"Pink shoes your head! My name is Kim Jae Joong!" He snapped.

"Kim Jae Joong? Wow.. A nice name..! So, should I be calling you Jae-jagiya?" He ask, teasingly.

"Hey... just stop playing a fool. Prince Yun, why are you here? Are you going to give me trouble again?"

Yunho gave Jaejoong a sweet smiles."You still have drool on your face.." He said.
'Aish!!" Jaejoong feel embarrased. He quickly wipe his face off with his hanbok sleeves.

Yunho threw a paperbag to Jaejoong."For you!" He utter.

"For me?" Jaejoong quickly open the paperbag. He take out a handful of MEN's TODAY magazines. He flip the pages, looking at big muscular men inside the magz.

"What the hell is this?" He ask.

Yunho look suprised. He snatched the paperbag from Jaejoong's hand.
"Oh, sorry.. It was a wrong bag. This one is yours."
Yunho blush. His face turn red. He pass Jaejoong another paperbag. It was pink in color. He knew that is Jaejoong favourite color.

Jaejoong open the bag slowly.'I hope this is not another prank...' He hope.

"Candy..!?" Jaejoong gasp. There were a lot of it. He smiles at Yunho happily."For me?" He ask Yunho again.

Yunho smiles shyly. He nods and looking very shy.

"Thank you!" Jaejoong cries in excitement. He starts digging the paperbag before a lollipop stick pokes on one of his eyes.

"You must be so tired and lonely here... At least when you think of your mother, you can have a candy..."Yunho stops there. He saw Jaejoong is closing his eyes with both hands.
'Is he crying?' he thought. Yunho felt guilty immediately for talking about his mother.

"Aa.. aa.. I'm.. Err.." He mumble.

"Yea.. Ohm, how did you know that I miss my omma a lot..?" Jaejoong let go of his hand.
Yunho saw Jaejoong's eyes is tearing.

'Aish.. why am I so careless..' Jaejoong thought, rubbing his eyes.
'He is... crying....! Oh, poor Jae! He must be missing his mother alot...! Oh..' Yunho pouts and sulk. He went close to Jaejoong.

"I.. know.." He answer Jaejoong back.

"Know what?" Jae replied.

Yunho quickly pull Jaejoong close to him.

"What the hell..." Jaejoong couldn't breathe. Yunho is squeezing him in his arms.

"I know.., I know... It's a hard life in the palace, right? But I will protect you..."

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

"Don't cry, don't cry.."

"I am NOT! It's the lollipop....~"

Jaejoong sigh. Yunho is not listening. He is still holding Jaejoong's body close to him. But later, Jaejoong smiles happily. He somehow can feel the love from Yunho.

'The prince is not so bad', he thought.
'He should bring me pudding the next time..' He grins.
'Yum yum.. Jae loves candy...' He pop the lolly into his mouth and continue studying...~

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