Wednesday, May 21, 2008

10. In Min's Room

Jaejoong couldn't believe his eyes when he saw thousand of toys inside Changmin's room. He step inside and keep on turning around.

"Is this your room or a toys shop?"

Changmin burst into a laugh."It's really my room!" He said.

"Wow.. your room is cool! Hey, I like this.." Jaejoong hugs a Hamtaro plushies.

"Yeah, I got it when I went to Japan! So cute!" Changmin grins.

"How about this one? Can I touch it?" Jaejoong point at a pair of toy bears. He want to touch the bear so badly. When Jae point at the bear, his finger was already so near to it.

"Oh..." Changmin gasp. He pick the bear and gave it to Jaejoong. "This is from my dad, the emperor..." Changmin's voice turn low.

"Why so sad?" Jaejoong ask.

"Because he's the one who gave me this bear. He never agree his prince playing with dolls."

"Ohh.." Jaejoong answered. He glance at the bear for a while befor he put it back."Hey, where's your PS?" Jaejoong quickly ask.

"Oh, yeah.. I almost forgot! Sorry! Right this way.." He grin. Changmin lead Jaejoong to another side of the room.

"Here, Jae. Lets play!" Changmin quickly turn the plasma tv on. He pass a joystick to Jaejoong. Jaejoong stared at the joystick idiotically.

"Err.. sorry.. How, how to use this.. Can you show me?" Jaejoong grin.

"What?? Don't tell me you never play PS before?"

"Erm.. uh.. honestly... never..." Jaejoong try to hide his shy face. Changmin giggled. 'Aww.. Jae is so adorable..' he thought.

"Come, I'll show you.. you need to press this to move the character.. For attacking, press this button and this.. This one is for jumping.." Changmin explain the button carefully.

"Oh.. its quite simple.. hee.." Jae grin back at him. He took back the joystick from Min's hand.

"What game are we playing?" Jae ask.

"Super Mario.." Min answer.


"Trust me, it's fun..."


Its been a hour. Jaejoong and Changmin were laughing their ass off all the times. Jaejoong really didn't lie about the PS thing. He keeps on falling down from the clouds and die!

"Aishhh.. I give up, Min!" He sigh. Jaejoong put the joystick aside and lay down with his pink hanbok. Changmin follow his moves and lay beside him.

"I hope you had fun, Jae.." He said.

"Oh, I had lot of fun.. Thanks to you, Min.." Jaejoong said. "Actually I miss my omma.." He continued.

Changmin quickly have thought of his own mother. He turn aside and facing Jaejoong. Jae was talking while closing his eyes. Changmin unable to keep his eyes off Jaejoong. He keep on staring at his face.

"How come I am a princess now...? Don't they know that I'm actually a guy?" Jaejoong said.

"Yeah, I wonder about that too.. Do you have any idea?" Changmin ask.

"I don't know, Min.. Omma said I WAS born a girl, suddenly now I'm a boy... Uh.. Everything is so confusing..!" Jae sigh.

"Jae, don't you even know yourself? I mean, you can't be that confuse. So tell me Jae, are you a girl or a boy?" Changmin puzzled.

"My God, Min!!! Can't you tell?? Don't tell me you're thinking like them too!!" Jaejoong gasped.

"No, I'm not! But it's kinda hard to tell, you see.. Especially when you're wearing girl's hanbok.." Changmin giggled.

Jaejoong faints. He quickly turn to his side and stare at Changmin."I'm a BOY. It's final! The palace authority can check my 'thing' if they want to..." Jaejoong sulk.

"Hm??" Changmin grin evilishly. 'Check your 'thing'? You sure you want them to do so?'

'Yes! Why? Do you want to see too?'

'It's not that I don't dare, but, I'm a prince. A prince must be a gentleman..'

'A gentleman? Oh please!'

Changmin let go a laugh."Okay, okay, I believe you're boy.. But you're cute in hanbok.. Haha!"

Suddenly a knock on Changmin's room door. Changmin flinched a little.

"Prince Min! It's me, Kibum.." a voice suddenly echoes. He quickly excuse himself from Jaejoong and got up. Changmin open the door.

"Yes, Kibum. Speak up." He command.

"The Royal Empress would like me to escourt Princess Jae to Myoong palace. She will be residing there and learn on palace's rules and regulation. Also on our history, ancestors, Royal language..."

"What? Wait a minute..." Changmin snapped softly."The Empress expect him to learn all that? Within a year?"

"Within a month, my prince." Kibum answered.

"Oh my Lord.. This is insane!" Changmin gasped.

"Yeowang Nara-mama want her to learn before she marry Prince Yun. I'm just doing my job, Prince Min. Now can you please, let me take Princess Jae with me.." Kibum plead.

"Go ahead, Kibum. Take good care of her." Changmin said softly. He was a little sad because he wish to be with Jaejoong a little bit longer.

"Min, I.. I don't want to go..." Jaejoong utter.

"It's okay Jae.. I'll visit you as often as I could.." Changmin said. He held Jaejoong hand softly and kiss it, just like what a prince would do to a princess. Jaejoong stunned freeze on the spot. He quickly pull back his hand from Changmin, feeling shy.

"Aishh... why did you do that, Min?" Jae blush.

"You're a princess-to-be in this palace, Jae. I must give you some respect.." Changmin answered.

"Oh, no.. no.. It's okay.. You shouldn't be.." Jae trembling.

"It's the rule, Jae.. Learn this first rule from me.."

Changmin wink to him.Jaejoong felt arkward at first but Changmin was right. He had to accept the fate that he is becoming a 'princess'.

"Yea, okay Min.. princess whatever..." He turn. Jaejoong took another step before he stumbled.


He step on his hanbok and roll over the floor again.........

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