Wednesday, May 21, 2008

11. Jae Studying The Culture

Jaejoong sit down on the floor. Lady Sung Min sit in front of her. She gave a weird signals to Sindong and two of her assistant. They come over with a pile of book on each other hands.
They put the book next to him. Jaejoong gulped his saliva. 'Is this what Kibum and Changmin were talking about?'

"Princess Jae... This is your homework... You can start reading all this book and ask help from me and my two assistant if you don't understand. I wish you can finish it all by today..." Lady Sung Min said.

'I wish I can run away...' Jaejoong sigh. He pick a book and start reading it.

Lady Sung Min is smiling scarily in front of him. Jaejoong smirk a little but still continue reading.

"Read until page 20, and let me do a little test on you.." She said.

"What...??? But, but I haven't finish reading the first page yet!" Jaejoong shouts. He frown at Lady Sung Min.

"Don't worry, just some easy question!" Lady Sung Min replied.

"Can I at least have a pudding before studying?"

"Andwaegaetta!(No)" -Lady Sung Min snapped in orthodox form. Jaejoong don't have a choice but to read and read. He tried to memorized all the words he reads just now.

'Aish...~ The words are too hard.. why must they change every single normal object into another fancy object? Cant they just talk properly..?'
'Oh! What is this? A ladybird? Phoenix rising?'Jaejoong flip another page. 'Silver lining? Emm.. Hero? Oh... ok.. Eh? TVXQ?? Aishhh!!' Jae whispered.
'This is really going to give me a headache!' Jaejoong smirk.

He flip the last page, page 20.
A lot of hard words that he could not understand.

"Ready, princess...? Close the book. First question, what should you adress an Emperor's poop?"

"Err... an Emperor's uhng? (sh*t?)"

"Wrong !! You should say, 'peach blossoms'.." Lady Sung Min stared at Jaejoong.

"Dd.. dae.. Joesunghamnida (Yes, sorry)... It is call 'peach blossom...', Lady Sung Min.." He trembled.

"Aishh..~" Lady Sung Min sigh. She took a deep breath."Okay, let's try another one. What should you adress a prince's poop?"

'Again?????' Jaejoong thought. He wonder why the poop question comes out from Lady Sung Min. He ponders hard.
"Aish... Ok, think I knew this one.. A kiwi blossoms!!!"Jaejoong answers with confidence.

"Yahhh!!!" Lady Sung Min screamed and smack her hand on the table."It's a cherry blossom!! Yahh.. cherry blossom!!! Why can't you remember this easy thing!?" Lady Sung Min shouted at Jae.

Shindong show Lady Sung Min his tongue a little. Then he immediately look down to the floor. Her two other assistant were about to laugh before she turn and stare at them. The two girls stops and bow immediately.

Lady Sung Min took another deep breath."You better start memorizing it now.." She said and quickly got up. She can't take it anymore.
Lady Sung Min left the room with anger.
'Aigoo..~ I will have more wrinkle for having so much stress..' She touches the corner of her eyes. Lady Sung Min continue walking slowly and left the Myoong palace.

Jaejoong continue reading the book, but he was not paying attention. He digest nothing. His mind fly so far away.... into Changmin's huge room. Thinking of how nice it would be to be sleeping on his huge bed, next to the big hamtaro plushies...
'Anyway I didn't had my evening nap yet.. I'm so sleepy.. books are soooo boring.... omma... zzZZzz..'

Jaejoong fell asleep with a dozen of books on his table.


Yunho is lying down on his bed. He was thinking of Jaejoong. 'That pink shoes as my wife? I must be crazy to agree..' He thought.
'I should be picking somebody sexy like Hero of TVXQ.. But then again, I can't marry a guy? It would be a huge title on the news!!'

'But this pink shoes..? They address him as a 'she'. Hah, I'm so sure he is a guy, eventhough he looked stunning in that hanbok... aigoo...'

Yunho put an evil smiles. He look at his side. He saw a picture of him and Seul Gi together.

"Seul Gi-ya, mianhaeyo.." He said to her. Yunho rubs the picture with his fingers.

"Yahh.. I wonder how is my wife doing!" Yunho happily jumps up from his bed. He went out from the room and bump into Siwon at the door.

"Prince Yun, where are you going?" he ask.

"Meeting my wife-to-be!" He answered. Siwon look at him and smiles.

"Dae!" He answers him quickly and follow Yunho from behind....

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