Wednesday, May 21, 2008

14. He is Princess Jae

Jaejoong was not aware of somebody is standing behind him. He was too busy peeking behind the building.

"Aigoo.. who are you, young lady..."

Jaejoong broke a sweat. His face turn pale. He turn behind. A beautiful lady in green hanbok is smiling sweetly at him. He quickly bow to her.

"Err.. I'm Jaejoong.." He said politely.

"Jaejoong??" Lady Hee Chul take a closer look at Jaejoong. She think for a while before she gasp.
"Princess Jae!?" She said."I'm sorry for not recognizing you, princess... I'm Geungnyeo Hee Chul.." She bows to Jaejoong.(Lady Officer Hee Chul / a person in charge of the Royal Kitchen)

"I'm sorry, princess.. I thought you're one of my girl... But then again, you're too pretty to be one of the girls so you must be the princess..." Lady Hee Chul continue bowing.

'Did she said I'm too pretty???? Damn!' Jaejoong roll his eyes. Honestly, Jaejoong cant blame Lady Hee Chul for saying that. It's true that his appearance is too girlish!

"It's.. it's.. okay... Err.. Don't worry..." Jaejoong wipe his sweat. He thought he was about to get caught by Lady Hee Chul.

"What makes you come all the way here, princess..." Lady Hee Chul giggles softly.

"Err.. the food?" He answered.

"Oh, it's such an honoured to received a visit from you, princess.. Come, I'll show you around!" Lady Hee Chul said.

Jaejoong absent-mindedly follows Lady Hee Chul into the big kitchen. He saw a lot of girls in there, doing their task. Cutting, chopping, cooking... Food... Yum...

He suddenly remembered something.

"I'm sorry.. Er, Lady Hee Chul... But I..." Jaejoong trembled.

"Tell me, princess.. I hope I can help.."

"Do you.. have.. pudding?" Jaejoong look at her with puppy eyes.

"Pudding?" Lady Hee Chul ask him back.

"Yes.. pudding.. I, I feel like eating it.. My omma always keep her handmade pudding in the fridge for me.. But, since I'm here.. I can't have it.." Jaejoong did his puppy eyes again.

"Ohh.. I think I can help you with that.. But the problem is, I have to make it first!" Lady Hee Chul explain.

"So you don't have pudding now?" Jaejoong sounds disappointed.

"No, princess.. I'm sorry..." Lady Hee Chul apologized. "But no worries, I will make one for you and send it to your room.." She said happily.

"Sure? Can it be done?" Jaejoong ask her immediately.

"Geuromyo! (Sure!) It's just a tiny, tiny, tiny whiny pudding..." Lady Hee Chul laugh.

"I hope it has lychees in it..!" Jae grins.

"Uhlsoo..!" Lady Hee Chul replied. (Your wish will be granted)

"Huh? There you are!!! Stop there!!!" The two assistants shouts from far. Jae panic.

"Uh-oh! I'm sorry, Lady Hee Chul! I really have to go now! Hope to see the pudding soon!"

Jaejoong quickly lift up his hanbok and run away.

"Don't run, princess!!!" They screamed.

Lady Hee Chul look at him in amazement.'You should be saying 'Hope to see you soon'.. Not THE PUDDING!'
She laugh hard. Jaejoong reminds her of herself during her young age. (Anyway she wasn't THAT old..) She was laughing at Jaejoong before another lady appear by her side. The lady is Lady Sung Min.

"Don't try anything foolish, Hee Chul.." She said.

"Same to you, Sung Min.." Lady Hee Chul replied and walks off. Lady Sung Min look pissed.

'Anyway, I have some pudding to make!' Lady Hee Chul smiles and starts looking for the ingredients...


Jaejoong was caught in the end. They ask him to clean up and dress him in another new piece of hanbok. Jaejoong hates it so much but he cannot disobey. He must attend a dinner with the Royal family. He wish to skip. But thinking that he will be seeing Changmin, he keep quiet. He follows Lady Sung Min's troop to the Royal Court Dining Hall.

'Aish.... can someone help me with this skirt!?' He gasp.

He saw Prince Min is already there, together with that silly Prince Yun. Yunho waves at Jaejoong happily. Jaejoong smiles back reluctantly and later ignore Yunho. He stares at Changmin next to Yunho. Only Lord knows how glittering Changmin was that night. Jae felt his heart thumping so fast. He wonder why Changmin's eyes is killing him .Compare to Yunho 1000watt killersmile, Changmin's eagle-eyes is more powerful.

They had their dinner nicely. Lady Hee Chul is by their side all the time. Finally its the dessert time.

"This is something different than usual?" Wang Myungsoo gasp.

"A suprise for our princess..!" She replied.

"Its.. its.. its..." Jaejoong trembled.

"Why, Jae?" Changmin whispered softly to him.

"Its.." Jaejoong still mumbling.

"Pudding?" Yunho smiles happily.He quickly took his and eat it.

"I love pudding!!!" Jaejoong smiles and look at Lady Hee Chul in astonishment. Lady Hee Chul wink at him, show him a heart signal. She want Jaejoong to enjoy his dessert.

"Lady Hee Chul made this for me? I'm so happy.." Jaejoong whisper. Changmin look at Jaejoong enjoying his pudding very much, and then he look at his own pudding. He take the cup and hand it over to Jaejoong. Jaejoong look back at him with puppy eyes.

"You seems to like pudding a lot, don't you? Please have mine as well..." Changmin said, manly commanding.

"No, Min.. you should eat it! It tastes so good!" Jaejoong exclaim, showing his thumb to Lady Hee Chul. Lady Hee Chul smiles shyly.
'Yes!!! A compliment from Princess Jae! Yay!' she jump a little.

"No, Jae! You should have it.." Gives the cup to Jaejoong.

"No, Min.. It's yours.." Push the cup to Changmin.

"No, Jae..! I'm sincere.. Please have it!" Push back the cup to Jaejoong.

"No, Min... You can't do this!" Push the cup to Changmin.

Yunho look at both of them in wonder. 'Hey, whats going on...' he thought. Yunho already finish his pudding. He can't give his share to Jaejoong anymore. Yunho look at Changmin in anger.
'What is this joker is doing? Is he trying to provoke me? Best man wins??' He thought.

"Aish..." Jaejoong sigh. Changmin still not giving up.

"Okay! Let's share this!" Jaejoong said. Changmin pause for a while, but he couldn't resist when Jaejoong scoop the pudding and feed him.

Yunho's face turn sour. He completely feel jealous.
'How come he did not feed me like how he feed Min?' He thought. Yunho quickly throw his napkin to the table and got up. He bow to his father and excuse himself.
'Stupid people!' Yunho nags quietly. He did not wish to see more of them and went back to his room.

Jaejoong and Changmin continue to feed each other until the pudding finish. Then both of them excuse themselves and went out to play in the lake garden. Jaejoong starts to sing shyly.

(Actually the song is from My Little Princess -TVXQ)

"Sarangi gaetwo iron nae maumur...Sumgiryo haedo kumsae ibkaui misoman..." He giggles.[translation]I suppose this feeling in my heart would be love.Although I try to hide it, a smile appears on my lips.

Changmin eyes become uneven once more. He smiles cheekily and sing too.

"Haruto andwae tto bogoshipojyo...Onjjoju nae mamun gipeun byongie goringor..."
[translation]It hasn't been even a day but I begin to miss you again.What should I do? My heart has caught a deep illness.

Jaejoong blush a little. He just realized he have a slight crush on Prince Min. Changmin on the other hand, is responding to him as well.

Jaejoong continue another line.
"Gaeinrun nae mujub ijun obsur koyeyo.." (Now I will not have a lazy appearance anymore)

"Jwohan koman boyojugo shipungoryo..." Changmin replied. (I want to show you just my good points)

Jaejoong hides his shy smiles beneath the shadow. The moon shines so brightly above them. Seems another story has just begin.

"Jogi nupeun hanurro naraga...Saranghandago sesangi marharlae.." Jae giggles.(Up there, high in the sky, I want to fly... To tell the world that I love you.)

Changmin smiles. He held Jaejoong's hand suddenly.

"Gipeun bamhanuro kyojiji annun girl..Nomanur jikinun nanungor twekeyo ..You're my love..."(Deep in the night sky, girl!! I will become a star to protect you. You're my love...)

Jaejoong smiles sheepishly at him. 'Omo! I'm blushing!' He thought. (Quickly hide his face and giggles) Both of them become quiet after that. Everything were left unspoken.

"You like me, princess?" Changmin ask softly.

"H.. how am I going to answer that.. aii.." Jaejoong blush. "Liking a guy is wrong, but, I kinda like you, Min!" He answer.

Changmin almost faint. It's like a yes-yes-win situation for him.

"Yes, liking a guy is wrong. But I like you too, Jae.."Changmin smiles shyly.

"That means, we're gay?" Jaejoong ask stupidly.

"Duhh? Silly!" Changmin poked him on his stomach.

"Really? Hey, that tickes!" Jaejoong poked him back.

"Hey..~ Not fair!"

"Yah!!Kim Jae Joong!" Someone shouts sharply.

Suddenly Yunho appear. He stares at both of them.

"Dd.. dd.. dae...!" Jaejoong answer. Changmin look stress up.
'He is spoiling the good moment of me and Jae!' Changmin grit his teeth.

"What are you doing there.. Don't you know that cold weather can make you catch the cold..?" He said to Jaejoong.

"Eh?" Jaejoong puzzled. "Cold?" He ask.

"And... what are you doing with some other man? Don't you know that you're going to be my wife? Don't you know how to take care of your manners?" Yunho ask again.

"Wh.. what?????" Jaejoong frown at him.

"Yah, Yun-hyung... Don't you think your tongue is too sharp today?" Changmin snapped.

"Don't bother!" Yunho stares at Changmin. Changmin was shock by the stares.

Yunho did not wait for long. He just took Jaejoong by the arm and drag him away from Changmin. Changmin took Jaejoong's another arm and grip it tightly. Both of them pull together.

"Aish... both of you.. OOoooohh... stop pulling... Oooh.."Jaejoong cries in pain."Uhmmm.. Prince Yun.. Ohh.. ouch.. Prince Min... Oh, dont pull... Ouuww... Let go...~" Jaejoong gasp.

Yun pull Jae's left arm and Min pull Jae's right arm. Jaejoong is sweating in the middle. Both of the prince is playing tug-o-war with his arms. Jaejoong almost die in between!

Finally Yunho manage to snatch Jaejoong from Changmin's grip. Changmin fell on the floor instantly.

"Min! Min! Aish... Yun, don't... Min!" Jae cries.

Changmin look at them. He can only see Yunho is taking Jae with him. Jae is crying out his name but he can't do anything .Changmin don't have the power against the Crown Prince. He just watch them leave.


Hi readers. Thanks for your support.

I hope you guys can give me comments / an idea or two for this fics.

Love you guys loads!




13. Three Hearts

Now Changmin knew why Yunho agree to the contract marriage.
'Hee.. He has turn gay, just like me..' Changmin chuckles and smiles.
'Deserved him right! Now he is a sissy himself!' he thought. But at the same time, Changmin felt sad. He realise that he likes Jaejoong a lot, since the first time he met him. Now Jaejoong is going to be the princess, to be wed to his own flesh and blood.

'God is playing with me, isn't He?' Changmin thought.Flashes of Jaejoong exchanging pink shoes with him is still fresh on his mind. Also, some flashes of him with hanbok and glossy lips.
'Aish... I have to stop thinking of him!' Changmin sigh.

Yeowang Hae Jung touch Changmin's hair a little. Her boy is lying on her lap, trying to take a nap. She strokes and strokes his blond hair, singing him a lullaby. Yeowang Hae Jung can sense the sadness in his little boy's eyes. She can only guess, but only Changmin knew whats in his own mind.

"Omma... did appa ever love me..” Changmin ask.

"Wae gurae sseo, my child...” She replied. (Why..)

"Because he always sent me away..” Changmin sulk.

"You know that is not true, Min..” She answer.

"But he also going to give his throne to Yun-hyung.. Did he ever love me, omma..?” He ask again.

"I...” Yeowang Hae Jung stops there. She totally lost her words to Changmin. She almost cry but she held her tears back very hard. Yeowang Hae Jung continues stroking his child's hair.

"Omma loves you, Min... Appa loves you too.. and we both loves you a lot...” She said, trying to comfort him.

"How did you know, omma? Now appa find a wife for Yun-hyung and not for me.. He don't loves me as much as he loves Yun-hyung..” Changmin sulk again.

"Min, please stop thinking that way..” She replied softly.

"Ne, arasseo yo.. Arasseo yo. I know, I know.. I'm sorry, omma.. I'm just a little bit... jealous... of Yun-hyung..”Changmin changed his position and look up to her mother's face."I don't want to be Crown Prince, I don't even desire to be an emperor... I just want appa to love me..." He said.

"I understand how you feel, Min.. but we must be humble.. We also must be grateful of what we have now... Omma is here for you.. Okay?” she said.

Changmin knew his mother will always be there for him.“Omma, you're the best mother in the world...~” he mumble. Then he close his eyes again. He tried to catch some sleep. Yeowang Hae Jung continues her lullaby and comforting Changmin on her lap. She hopes her boy will be okay soon after he wakes up.


Yunho jumps on his own bed. He jumps from another spot to another spot happily. He hides his shy face beneath his pillows, then he start jumping again.

"Aigoo...~ I gave him the stupid magazines and he don't like it!!! I should have listen to Min at first place!" Yunho punch the pillow a little.
He felt totally embarrased by the mistake. He wonder how Changmin can be so good at this.
'Of course, he has been gay since he's small.. Of course he is better than a week-old gay like me!' He mumbles.

Yunho can still remember of how cute Jaejoong was when he got the candybag from him.
'Aigoo...~ he is so good-looking!' Yunho give himself a cheesy smile. He felt like something has tickle his heart. Yunho just couldn't stop grinning!
'Aish... I'm so lucky..' He threw his pillow to another place. He lie down and later he got up suddenly.
'Aigoo... I, I hug him just now.. Woohoo!' (excited) He jumps and jumps, flapping his hand and dive around his big bed. Yunho never felt so happy like this before.

"Kim.... Jae.... Joong!" He recall Jaejoong's name over and over again."Oh, yes! Tonight we're having a big family dinner! I should start finding some clothes. Have to look good in front of him..!" He said. Yunho quickly got up and start digging his closet....


Jaejoong yawn for the hundredth times. He just could not take it anymore. The book is just too boring! He threw the book away.
'I wish I can eat pudding now...' he mumbles and scratches his head.

Jaejoong look around him. It was a complete silence. Dry leaves fly and hit the ground. Seems like no one is around. Jaejoong gets up and start creeping. He creeps and creeps, knock his head on the door pane, flinch back, frown, rub his own head, creep again, and peep outside the study room. No one is around.

Jaejoong is thinking of how to get away from the palace.
'I don't think I can escape from this huge place... But maybe I can escape the assistants...! Tee-hee!' He let go an evil laugh before he creep slowly to another area, lifting his hanbok up to his knee level....

He remembered Changmin had say something about 'hide and seek' game. In this huge palace, it is the best place to play this game because you can never lose!

"Ooohhh... Now I understand! Playing 'hide and seek'! This game is going to be very fun indeed...! Let them look for me! I want to see how good they are..." Jaejoong laugh naughtily and start hiding.

The assistant brought Jaejoong another piece of hanbok. She just realised that Jaejoong is not in the study room. "Where did she go?" The lady assistant thought. She call up another girl to help her find Jaejoong.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong is laughing behind some shrubs near the garden.
'This is sooo funny! Haha! Catch me if you can!' He quickly fled.
This time, he saw the two lady assistants talking to two young bodyguards in black suits.

"Have you seen the princess?"

"Princess? No."

"Oh Lord! Where did she go? Lady Sung Min definitely going to toast my ass for this.."

"Good God! Let's find her!"All of them split and start looking for him.

Jaejoong close his mouth. He was trying hard not to laugh. He watched them running like chicken without head, looking for him.

"No.. not that easy to catch me..! Hee!"And he fled again.

Jaejoong walks and hide, creep, and hide, step on a stone, almost fell, lift up his hanbok, walk again and hide behind a building. He is now entering an unknown place. The place seems very busy. There are a lot of people moving in and out, carrying something in their hands. At least a pot or a trays. The smell was inviting as well.

"Smells like.... food!" Jaejoong exclaim happily.

Without his knowledge, Jaejoong is entering the palace kitchen or known as The Royal Court Kitchen...Another adventure will begin soon...

12. Yun and Jae

Meanwhile on the other side of the palace, Wang Myung Soo and Yeowang Na Ra is arguing about Princess Jae's status.

"My dear empress, why are you so upset?"

"How could you not telling me, th.. that princess is a transgendered!"

"He had it only at that one place... and he still have a girly look, doesn't he..?" Wang Myungsoo answered."So now, Na Ra.. I've told you about it. Why you're still upset?" Wang Myung Soo continues.

"Bb.. because, I was deceived by that girly look of his!" She cries."I thought your late father chose a good bride, even if she's not from Royal family I don't give a damn. I'm willing to accept the fate. But this is getting too far beyond my expectation.." She said.

Wang MyungSoo smack the table hard. Yeowang NaRa flinched. She quickly bow. Wang Myungsoo got up and walk to and fro.

"Then Yeowang Na Ra? You want me to go inside my father's grave and ask him 'why'?" (Literally means 'You want me to go and die??')

"Joesunghamnida (forgive me), Your Majesty.." She apologized.

"If you want to blame someone, blame it on Princess Jae's mother!! She was the one behind this thing!"

Yeowang Na Ra smirk and make face before Wang Myung Soo turn behind. Wang Myung Soo give Yeowang Na Ra a piece of paper. She quickly took it and unfold it. Then she sigh.

"You've read it?" Wang MyungSoo ask.

"Dae.." She answer."It says, 'rank and gender is not the matter'."
Yeowang Na Ra refold the paper back.

"That was my father's last wish. We can't disobey." Wang MyungSoo said."Just look on the bright side, my empress. Harisu."

"What's up with her?" She ask.

"He is a transgendered too. Now, he is having a good life as a 'she'. So, smile a little my dear Na Ra. I'm sick and getting old. Who knows when I'm going to 'fly'."
('Fly' = die, in Royal language)

"Araseumnida. If you're happy, then I'm happy.. Your Majesty.." She agree, finally.

"Good." Wang Myungsoo manage to comfort Yeowang Na Ra.


Yunho and Siwon walk smartly. They were escourted by 4 other strong men. As Yunho walk across a palace garden, he bumped into Changmin and his men.

"Prince Min!" Siwon said.

"Prince Yun!" LeeTeuk said. They bow to the prince.

Both prince exchange the stare to each other.
'Aish..' Yunho sigh as he saw Changmin furious eyes looking deeply at him.

"I'm not going to pick a fight with you today, Min." he said. Changmin fall back.

"Actually I'm going to apologized as well for being rude to you all this while."

Again, Changmin fall back.

"I've decided not to fight with my brother again.." Yunho said. Changmin glare at Yunho, disbelief.

"Are you sure you are not drinking, Yun-hyung?" He ask. Yunho shakes his head.
"Then?" Changmin said.

Yunho come closer to him.
'I know you're gay.' He whispered to Changmin's ear.

Changmin almost faints.

"Mm.. mm.... mwo rago haesseo??" (WHAT!) He shouts.
'Hell, Yun.. You said that in front of other men here?' He whispered back to Yunho. Lee Teuk and Siwon cough a little.
'My Goodness...' they mumbled. Siwon and Leeteuk quickly ask the rest of the bodyguards to back off and leave the two prince alone.

Changmin let go a sigh.

'Sorry..' Yunho smack his own head.

'Sorry your ass!' Changmin snapped at him.

'Hey, I'm apologizing!' Yunho stares.

"Okay, Yun. Cut the crap out! What's up?" Changmin ask angrily.

"Regarding to that matter, you know.. G.A.Y... and I just found out that I might be gay too.." He said softly. Changmin eyes rounded in suprise.

"You are? Since when?"

"Only recently. I'm sorry I make fun of you before." Yunho answer. He smiles at Changmin. "Now I truly know how you feel... To like men.." He paused. "I'm sorry for those years I've been teasing you..."

Changmin bite his lips a little. Finally he nods. "Ohh.. okay.. Good to know that you're sorry. Apologies accepted! So, welcome to the club, I guess..." Changmin said.

Yunho laugh softly at Changmin's statement.

"Keurom, eodi gaship shiyo? (Then, where are you going -orthodox form) The way to your room is not this way.." He said.

"I'm going to see my future wife! Would you like to come..?"Yunho grin at Changmin. Somehow he got excited just to have thought of seeing Jaejoong.

Changmin shrug his shoulder. His lovely face turn sour."No, I don't think so." He replied.

"Come on, join me Min! I think that pink.. uh, er, princess will love to see some pretty boy like you." Yunho said.

"No, not today." Changmin look down with sad eyes. 'Your future wife..' he thought. "Then, are you going to be there just like this? You didn't bring any gift?" He ask Yunho.

"Why? Shouldn't he be grateful just to see me in flesh?" Yunho ask proudly.

'Aish... you stupid..' Changmin sigh."You should be bringing candy or chocolate.. Books says girls likes all that.."

"But he is not a girl...!" Yunho snapped.

"Then bring condom and porn magazines to him instead!!" He snap.

"Cc.. condom? Pp..p.. porn magazine?" Yunho gasp.

"Aigoo..~" Changmin sigh again. He thought Yunho is acting innocent.

Yunho stares to the air. He was completely blank about this matter because he never gives a guy anything. Zero knowledge on this.

"Oh.. I should bring a gift, huh..." Yunho ponder.
'Maybe a car? Or, another pink shoes? Uh.. I'm kinda stupid with gifts huh..' he mumble.
'Stupid is the right word for you, Yun..' Changmin laugh.
'Damn!' He stares at Changmin angrily.
'Haha.. Just give him candy, for heaven's sakes..!'
Changmin shakes his head. 'Yun, you're so dumb!' he thought.

"Anyway. Goodluck, Yun-hyung." He pat Yunho's shoulder and walk away. Lee Teuk and his men follow Changmin from behind. Yunho still blank, before Siwon came and whispered something to him.

"Right!" he snapped happily. Yunho continue walking, heading to Myoong Palace.


As Yunho reach Myoong Palace, the lady assistants halt his men from entering the palace. They can only let Yunho in. Yunho tell Siwon to stay behind and he continues entering the old, rusty palace. The lady assistant led him to the study room. Then, Yunho saw Jaejoong in his hanbok, sleeping on the table. Books were everywhere. He giggled by himself, adoring the cuteness.
'Aigoo.. neomu kieopta!' he thought.

The lady assistant went panic. She go up to Jaejoong and wake him up.
'Princess.. please wake up... don't do this... Please wake up...'

"No! Go away! Omma! I want to sleep some more..." He replied. Jaejoong turn his face to another side and continue sleeping. The lady look at Yunho's smiling face. Yunho give her a signal to go away and stop disturbing Jae. The lady hesistate at first.

"Let me wake him up myself.." Yunho did that signal and the lady understand it. She immediately got up. The lady steps backward exactly 10 steps before she bow to Yunho and leave. Yunho walks in and sit next to Jaejoong.

"Jagiya...~" he said. (Means: lover/dear..)

"Uhhh.." Jaejoong mumble.

"Jagiya....~" Yunho smiles and tickles Jaejoong's nose a little.

'Who the hell is disturbing me now.. Can't they leave me in peace...' Jaejoong become annoyed.


"Aishhh...~" Jaejoong wakes up and waves his hand to the air. Yunho back off a little, avoiding the hand-waves attack. Jaejoong open his eyes. To his suprise, Yunho is already next to him. He is looking at him.

Jaejoong quickly wipe off his drool. He flinch a little. His knee almost bang the table.
'Wh.. what the hell...' he thought.
Yunho is stil smiling cheesily at him. He does not look angry like how he was on the school rooftop.

"Are you tired, dear?" Yunho ask Jaejoong softly.

"Mwo? Dear!!?" Jaejoong frown.

"Don't look so suprise, pink shoes...."

"Pink shoes your head! My name is Kim Jae Joong!" He snapped.

"Kim Jae Joong? Wow.. A nice name..! So, should I be calling you Jae-jagiya?" He ask, teasingly.

"Hey... just stop playing a fool. Prince Yun, why are you here? Are you going to give me trouble again?"

Yunho gave Jaejoong a sweet smiles."You still have drool on your face.." He said.
'Aish!!" Jaejoong feel embarrased. He quickly wipe his face off with his hanbok sleeves.

Yunho threw a paperbag to Jaejoong."For you!" He utter.

"For me?" Jaejoong quickly open the paperbag. He take out a handful of MEN's TODAY magazines. He flip the pages, looking at big muscular men inside the magz.

"What the hell is this?" He ask.

Yunho look suprised. He snatched the paperbag from Jaejoong's hand.
"Oh, sorry.. It was a wrong bag. This one is yours."
Yunho blush. His face turn red. He pass Jaejoong another paperbag. It was pink in color. He knew that is Jaejoong favourite color.

Jaejoong open the bag slowly.'I hope this is not another prank...' He hope.

"Candy..!?" Jaejoong gasp. There were a lot of it. He smiles at Yunho happily."For me?" He ask Yunho again.

Yunho smiles shyly. He nods and looking very shy.

"Thank you!" Jaejoong cries in excitement. He starts digging the paperbag before a lollipop stick pokes on one of his eyes.

"You must be so tired and lonely here... At least when you think of your mother, you can have a candy..."Yunho stops there. He saw Jaejoong is closing his eyes with both hands.
'Is he crying?' he thought. Yunho felt guilty immediately for talking about his mother.

"Aa.. aa.. I'm.. Err.." He mumble.

"Yea.. Ohm, how did you know that I miss my omma a lot..?" Jaejoong let go of his hand.
Yunho saw Jaejoong's eyes is tearing.

'Aish.. why am I so careless..' Jaejoong thought, rubbing his eyes.
'He is... crying....! Oh, poor Jae! He must be missing his mother alot...! Oh..' Yunho pouts and sulk. He went close to Jaejoong.

"I.. know.." He answer Jaejoong back.

"Know what?" Jae replied.

Yunho quickly pull Jaejoong close to him.

"What the hell..." Jaejoong couldn't breathe. Yunho is squeezing him in his arms.

"I know.., I know... It's a hard life in the palace, right? But I will protect you..."

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

"Don't cry, don't cry.."

"I am NOT! It's the lollipop....~"

Jaejoong sigh. Yunho is not listening. He is still holding Jaejoong's body close to him. But later, Jaejoong smiles happily. He somehow can feel the love from Yunho.

'The prince is not so bad', he thought.
'He should bring me pudding the next time..' He grins.
'Yum yum.. Jae loves candy...' He pop the lolly into his mouth and continue studying...~

11. Jae Studying The Culture

Jaejoong sit down on the floor. Lady Sung Min sit in front of her. She gave a weird signals to Sindong and two of her assistant. They come over with a pile of book on each other hands.
They put the book next to him. Jaejoong gulped his saliva. 'Is this what Kibum and Changmin were talking about?'

"Princess Jae... This is your homework... You can start reading all this book and ask help from me and my two assistant if you don't understand. I wish you can finish it all by today..." Lady Sung Min said.

'I wish I can run away...' Jaejoong sigh. He pick a book and start reading it.

Lady Sung Min is smiling scarily in front of him. Jaejoong smirk a little but still continue reading.

"Read until page 20, and let me do a little test on you.." She said.

"What...??? But, but I haven't finish reading the first page yet!" Jaejoong shouts. He frown at Lady Sung Min.

"Don't worry, just some easy question!" Lady Sung Min replied.

"Can I at least have a pudding before studying?"

"Andwaegaetta!(No)" -Lady Sung Min snapped in orthodox form. Jaejoong don't have a choice but to read and read. He tried to memorized all the words he reads just now.

'Aish...~ The words are too hard.. why must they change every single normal object into another fancy object? Cant they just talk properly..?'
'Oh! What is this? A ladybird? Phoenix rising?'Jaejoong flip another page. 'Silver lining? Emm.. Hero? Oh... ok.. Eh? TVXQ?? Aishhh!!' Jae whispered.
'This is really going to give me a headache!' Jaejoong smirk.

He flip the last page, page 20.
A lot of hard words that he could not understand.

"Ready, princess...? Close the book. First question, what should you adress an Emperor's poop?"

"Err... an Emperor's uhng? (sh*t?)"

"Wrong !! You should say, 'peach blossoms'.." Lady Sung Min stared at Jaejoong.

"Dd.. dae.. Joesunghamnida (Yes, sorry)... It is call 'peach blossom...', Lady Sung Min.." He trembled.

"Aishh..~" Lady Sung Min sigh. She took a deep breath."Okay, let's try another one. What should you adress a prince's poop?"

'Again?????' Jaejoong thought. He wonder why the poop question comes out from Lady Sung Min. He ponders hard.
"Aish... Ok, think I knew this one.. A kiwi blossoms!!!"Jaejoong answers with confidence.

"Yahhh!!!" Lady Sung Min screamed and smack her hand on the table."It's a cherry blossom!! Yahh.. cherry blossom!!! Why can't you remember this easy thing!?" Lady Sung Min shouted at Jae.

Shindong show Lady Sung Min his tongue a little. Then he immediately look down to the floor. Her two other assistant were about to laugh before she turn and stare at them. The two girls stops and bow immediately.

Lady Sung Min took another deep breath."You better start memorizing it now.." She said and quickly got up. She can't take it anymore.
Lady Sung Min left the room with anger.
'Aigoo..~ I will have more wrinkle for having so much stress..' She touches the corner of her eyes. Lady Sung Min continue walking slowly and left the Myoong palace.

Jaejoong continue reading the book, but he was not paying attention. He digest nothing. His mind fly so far away.... into Changmin's huge room. Thinking of how nice it would be to be sleeping on his huge bed, next to the big hamtaro plushies...
'Anyway I didn't had my evening nap yet.. I'm so sleepy.. books are soooo boring.... omma... zzZZzz..'

Jaejoong fell asleep with a dozen of books on his table.


Yunho is lying down on his bed. He was thinking of Jaejoong. 'That pink shoes as my wife? I must be crazy to agree..' He thought.
'I should be picking somebody sexy like Hero of TVXQ.. But then again, I can't marry a guy? It would be a huge title on the news!!'

'But this pink shoes..? They address him as a 'she'. Hah, I'm so sure he is a guy, eventhough he looked stunning in that hanbok... aigoo...'

Yunho put an evil smiles. He look at his side. He saw a picture of him and Seul Gi together.

"Seul Gi-ya, mianhaeyo.." He said to her. Yunho rubs the picture with his fingers.

"Yahh.. I wonder how is my wife doing!" Yunho happily jumps up from his bed. He went out from the room and bump into Siwon at the door.

"Prince Yun, where are you going?" he ask.

"Meeting my wife-to-be!" He answered. Siwon look at him and smiles.

"Dae!" He answers him quickly and follow Yunho from behind....

10. In Min's Room

Jaejoong couldn't believe his eyes when he saw thousand of toys inside Changmin's room. He step inside and keep on turning around.

"Is this your room or a toys shop?"

Changmin burst into a laugh."It's really my room!" He said.

"Wow.. your room is cool! Hey, I like this.." Jaejoong hugs a Hamtaro plushies.

"Yeah, I got it when I went to Japan! So cute!" Changmin grins.

"How about this one? Can I touch it?" Jaejoong point at a pair of toy bears. He want to touch the bear so badly. When Jae point at the bear, his finger was already so near to it.

"Oh..." Changmin gasp. He pick the bear and gave it to Jaejoong. "This is from my dad, the emperor..." Changmin's voice turn low.

"Why so sad?" Jaejoong ask.

"Because he's the one who gave me this bear. He never agree his prince playing with dolls."

"Ohh.." Jaejoong answered. He glance at the bear for a while befor he put it back."Hey, where's your PS?" Jaejoong quickly ask.

"Oh, yeah.. I almost forgot! Sorry! Right this way.." He grin. Changmin lead Jaejoong to another side of the room.

"Here, Jae. Lets play!" Changmin quickly turn the plasma tv on. He pass a joystick to Jaejoong. Jaejoong stared at the joystick idiotically.

"Err.. sorry.. How, how to use this.. Can you show me?" Jaejoong grin.

"What?? Don't tell me you never play PS before?"

"Erm.. uh.. honestly... never..." Jaejoong try to hide his shy face. Changmin giggled. 'Aww.. Jae is so adorable..' he thought.

"Come, I'll show you.. you need to press this to move the character.. For attacking, press this button and this.. This one is for jumping.." Changmin explain the button carefully.

"Oh.. its quite simple.. hee.." Jae grin back at him. He took back the joystick from Min's hand.

"What game are we playing?" Jae ask.

"Super Mario.." Min answer.


"Trust me, it's fun..."


Its been a hour. Jaejoong and Changmin were laughing their ass off all the times. Jaejoong really didn't lie about the PS thing. He keeps on falling down from the clouds and die!

"Aishhh.. I give up, Min!" He sigh. Jaejoong put the joystick aside and lay down with his pink hanbok. Changmin follow his moves and lay beside him.

"I hope you had fun, Jae.." He said.

"Oh, I had lot of fun.. Thanks to you, Min.." Jaejoong said. "Actually I miss my omma.." He continued.

Changmin quickly have thought of his own mother. He turn aside and facing Jaejoong. Jae was talking while closing his eyes. Changmin unable to keep his eyes off Jaejoong. He keep on staring at his face.

"How come I am a princess now...? Don't they know that I'm actually a guy?" Jaejoong said.

"Yeah, I wonder about that too.. Do you have any idea?" Changmin ask.

"I don't know, Min.. Omma said I WAS born a girl, suddenly now I'm a boy... Uh.. Everything is so confusing..!" Jae sigh.

"Jae, don't you even know yourself? I mean, you can't be that confuse. So tell me Jae, are you a girl or a boy?" Changmin puzzled.

"My God, Min!!! Can't you tell?? Don't tell me you're thinking like them too!!" Jaejoong gasped.

"No, I'm not! But it's kinda hard to tell, you see.. Especially when you're wearing girl's hanbok.." Changmin giggled.

Jaejoong faints. He quickly turn to his side and stare at Changmin."I'm a BOY. It's final! The palace authority can check my 'thing' if they want to..." Jaejoong sulk.

"Hm??" Changmin grin evilishly. 'Check your 'thing'? You sure you want them to do so?'

'Yes! Why? Do you want to see too?'

'It's not that I don't dare, but, I'm a prince. A prince must be a gentleman..'

'A gentleman? Oh please!'

Changmin let go a laugh."Okay, okay, I believe you're boy.. But you're cute in hanbok.. Haha!"

Suddenly a knock on Changmin's room door. Changmin flinched a little.

"Prince Min! It's me, Kibum.." a voice suddenly echoes. He quickly excuse himself from Jaejoong and got up. Changmin open the door.

"Yes, Kibum. Speak up." He command.

"The Royal Empress would like me to escourt Princess Jae to Myoong palace. She will be residing there and learn on palace's rules and regulation. Also on our history, ancestors, Royal language..."

"What? Wait a minute..." Changmin snapped softly."The Empress expect him to learn all that? Within a year?"

"Within a month, my prince." Kibum answered.

"Oh my Lord.. This is insane!" Changmin gasped.

"Yeowang Nara-mama want her to learn before she marry Prince Yun. I'm just doing my job, Prince Min. Now can you please, let me take Princess Jae with me.." Kibum plead.

"Go ahead, Kibum. Take good care of her." Changmin said softly. He was a little sad because he wish to be with Jaejoong a little bit longer.

"Min, I.. I don't want to go..." Jaejoong utter.

"It's okay Jae.. I'll visit you as often as I could.." Changmin said. He held Jaejoong hand softly and kiss it, just like what a prince would do to a princess. Jaejoong stunned freeze on the spot. He quickly pull back his hand from Changmin, feeling shy.

"Aishh... why did you do that, Min?" Jae blush.

"You're a princess-to-be in this palace, Jae. I must give you some respect.." Changmin answered.

"Oh, no.. no.. It's okay.. You shouldn't be.." Jae trembling.

"It's the rule, Jae.. Learn this first rule from me.."

Changmin wink to him.Jaejoong felt arkward at first but Changmin was right. He had to accept the fate that he is becoming a 'princess'.

"Yea, okay Min.. princess whatever..." He turn. Jaejoong took another step before he stumbled.


He step on his hanbok and roll over the floor again.........

9. JaeHoMin in The Palace

Jaejoong jaw dropped as soon as the two tall, smexy, good-looking men walking into the room. The room sparkles with lights. The prince auras just glitters endlessly.
Jaejoong rubs his eyes.
'Prince Yun and Min? Er, can anyone tell me.. Is that... is that... is that Changmin?' He gasped. 'Oh Lord!! Changmin is a PRINCE? So Korea actually have 2 prince?' Jaejoong shook his head hard.
'Cannot be! Omo! Did I see a wrong person here? Omo! Omo omo!' He slap his face twice. Then Jaejoong hides his pinkish-just-got-a-slap face behind his hanbok sleeves.

"Aigoo.. you're feeling shy, aren't you..?" Yeowang Na Ra giggle softly.

"Dae, Your Highness..." Jaejoong said. His voice turn squeaky suddenly.
Jaejoong continue hiding his face behind the sleeves.

'Oh my god this is so arkward..' he mumbled. How he hates to see the arrogant Prince Yun. 'But what is Changmin doing HERE?' he cries softly. Jaejoong bit his lips hard.
'I hope Prince Yun and Changmin didn't recognized me..'

"Hey you! Pink shoes!" Yunho shouts as he saw Jaejoong.

'Pink shoes, your ass..' Jaejoong whispered. He smiles reluctantly. Jaejoong knew he is going to get another dirty tease from Yunho.
'Thanks to Lady Sung Min for this pretty dress and make-up.. Now he is really going to call me sissy for the rest of my life...' Jaejoong sigh.

Yunho on the other hand, was amazed with Jaejoong's appearance. 'This joker... is... Holy the molly, he is SO pretty!' Yunho thought. He lost his word. Changmin give a laser stare at freezing Yunho.
'What the hell is wrong with him..' he thought. Then Changmin turn around and..

*Bzzzt!* Changmin gets the fate with Yunho.
He was electrify. Both of their jaws drop open.
'Oh Lord..' Changmin blink his eyes once.

Jaejoong was looking lovely in pinkish-peach coloured girl's hanbok. He had a watery lipgloss on his lips. His eyes is big and grey. Jaejoong is glittering like a diamond. Changmin stunned for a while. His eyes immediately become uneven (because he have an evil thought).

"Aigoo...~!! Ippeunnida...~!!" He said. 'I was not dreaming during the meeting.' he thought.

"Hi, Jae!" Changmin smile shyly at Jaejoong.

Hi.. Min...” he replied.

Jaejoong felt like his spirit just fly away from his body. He just don't know what to say anymore.
'Both prince recognized my face... aigoo..' he faints. Yunho point his finger at Jaejoong.

"You!! Pink shoes!!!" He shouts.

'Making fun of my shoes again? Damn!' Jae stared at Yunho.

You're the princess?? Appa, ommamama! Is this the princess?” Yunho shouts again to his father and mother. Both of them nods.

Jaejoong's face turn white instantly. 'Is Yunho going to kill me? Because he absolutely knew I'm a guy...!!'
Jae broke a sweat.
'Will he tell his father the truth? The Emperor is SO going sentence my whole family to prison.. Aigoo.. what should I do?? ! I don't want to go into prison!!!!' Jaejoong panic.

Yunho look at Jaejoong for a long time.He still unable to believe. He continue to stare. Jaejoong's sweat just drop.

"Appa, is this my bride?" Yunho ask loudly.

"Dae, guraesseo majayo! (Yes, thats right!)" Wang Myungsoo replied.

"Then, I want to be married!" Yunho answered very quickly without hesitating.
Jaejoong did not expect that to come.

"What?!" His jaw drops open.

"What??!" Changmin cries. He glared at his brother.

"Yes, appa! If this is the princess, then I won't object you! I SERIOUSLY want to married!” He replied. Jaejoong feel like crying.

"Min..!!~" Jaejoong look at Changmin with puppy eyes. He was hoping that Changmin would help him to reveal the truth. But Changmin?

"Jae!" He only reply that!

Changmin look at Jae, feeling sad that he will be his brother's wife.

"So you agree to it, Yun?"

Yunho nods quickly.

"Well done, my son! Then, we shall pick an auspicious date for you both to get married!! Bwah-hah-hah-ha-ha..~" Wang Myungsoo laugh loudly.

Come, my queen.. Let's leave these youngsters alone..” They walk hand by hand, out from the room happily.

Jaejoong gulped.

'Mworaguh? This is insane! Yah, I must ask either one them to help me! I can't marry a guy!'

Suddenly Changmin poked Yunho's chest.

"Hey, spoil wangja! Why are you saying 'yes' to the wedding? Are you nuts?!" He snapped.

"Why not? It's MY wedding, you sissy!" Yunho replied.

"Why must you do this, you cold-blooded animal? Aren't you supposed to be married to Seul Gi-noona?”

"Is that YOUR problem, pussycat?”So they starts to argue.

"Shut up you two!” Jaejoong yelled.

"Prince Yun! Why did you say yes? You said you hate joker like me!"

Yunho come close to him.He looked at Jaejoong sharply. Jaejoong felt shiver on his neck. He immediately shuts his mouth close.

"Don't you know why I said yes?” Yunho asked.

"Because you're a gay?” Jaejoong asked back. Yunho laugh at the end of Jaejoong's sentence.

'What?? He is gay? I thought I'm the only one here!' Changmin thought. He stared at both of them arkwardly.

"Hey, whats going on...” Changmin uttered.

"Hey you, pink shoes! You better get ready for our wedding!” Yunho laugh.“And you, sissy! Stay away from my bride.” He warn.

"Aishh.. I won't let him marry a cold-hearted person like you!” Changmin shouts.
Yunho is not listening. He just laugh at them and walk off.

"Min... what should I do...” Jaejoong looked at Changmin with puppy eyes. “Aishh..” He dump his head on the table and start sobbing. Changmin rubs Jaejoong's shoulder a little.

"Gwenchanayo (It's okay)... I'll help you, Jae.. Don't worry...” He said.

"Shiroo! (I don't want)" Jaejoong replied.

"Let's go out and play.. It will be fun!” He pull Jaejoong's arm lightly.

"Play? What game?” Jaejoong held up his head quickly. He quickly stop crying.

"Dae, majayo! (Yes, that's right!) The game called, hide and seek!” He said.

"Shiroo! (I don't want!)” Jaejoong stomped and start sobbing.

"Then? Okay.. Let's go to my room and play with my new PS3. How's that?” Changmin gave Jaejoong an evil smiles. His uneven eyes become more obvious.

"Jeongmal? (Really?)"

Jaejoong quits sobbing. He look at Changmin.

"Come on! It will be fun!!” Changmin pull Jaejoong's arm again and both of them went out from the waiting room.


They walked and walked from one small path to another path. The palace was freaking huge. Jaejoong felt like they were mingling inside the same place. If it wasn't for Changmin, he would be lost in here forever!



“Oh, joesunghamnida!” (I'm sorry)

“O-sesange! Oh!” (Oh God!)



All the way, Jaejoong was tripping and stepping on his hanbok. I mean, all the way.

Changmin just smile at him sweetly. Honestly he is admiring Jae's cuteness.
“Ohh!” Jaejoong stepped on his hanbok for a hundredth time again. This time, he really lose his balance and fall. Changmin held Jae's body and hug him tightly. Both of them fall together. Jaejoong is on top of Changmin. They stared on each other eyes.

"Aigoo... mianhamnida..." Jaejoong mumbled before he realized Changmin is staring at him so deeply.

"Er.." He trembled.

Changmin just smile and lift him up slowly.
'Oh my, so strong!' Jaejoong thought.

"Gwenchana?" Changmin ask. Jaejoong just notice how manly Changmin is.

"Yae, yae.. gwenchana." He replied, quickly back to reality.

Jaejoong's heart race. It is a weird feeling in his heart.'Did I have feeling for Changmin?' He asked himself.

"Jae! This is my room..." Changmin quickly slide the door open in front of them.

Jaejoong's heart is still racing....

8. Jae Meets The Emperor

Lady Sungmin bow to The Royal Family as they entered the room.

"The Emperor is enterringggg...!! The Empress is enteringgg...!!~" Shindong said aloud.

Jaejoong flinched. He immediately put down his leg from the chair. Jaejoong almost fell over when doing it. The next chair went far aside. He make a quick move and pull back the other chair nicely.

"Aa!!" He cries.


He tripped over!

Jaejoong quickly got up but he keep on stepping on the long hanbok over and over, making it hard to stand up. 'Aishhh... this silly skirt!' he pull the hanbok up to his knee level. Jaejoong sit back on one of the chair and pretend like nothing happen.
'Aish! Why must I wear a girl's hanbok?' he mumbled angrily and start looking at the room entrance.

Wang Myungsoo and Yeowang Na Ra finally showed up. They came closer and sit in front of Jaejoong. Yeowang Na Ra's face turn bright as she smiled.

"What a lovely girl..!" She commented.

"Of course, my queen! She resembled her father a lot.. Ha-ha!" Wang Myungsoo laugh loudly.

'She?? Are you blind??' Jaejoong's snapped but he quickly loosen up.
"Dd.. dae, Your Majesty and Your Highness.." Jaejoong said politely. Somehow he must agree to whatever Wang Myungsoo said.

"It must be tough for you to received such news on a short period. I must say, I apologized for the inconvenience.." Wang Myungsoo replied. Jaejoong nodded slowly. He totally have no clue of what are they saying.
'Oh Lord, I'm really going to go crazy..' he thought. Jaejoong tried so hard to control his mix feelings. Wang Myungsoo continue talking to Jaejoong.

"Your abeoji and my abeoji had make a deal, long long time ago. Now, if I manage to fulfill both of your abeoji and my abeoji wish.. I think both of them will be drinking soju and get wasted in heaven! Ha-ha-ha!" Wang Myungsoo laugh happily.

'Is this Emperor know what is he talking about?' Jaejoong roll eyes to another angle.

"So.. did you have the necklace with you, princess.." Yeowang Na Ra said suddenly.

The Empress become excited of approving Jaejoong is the REAL princess. Or in other word, approving her official 'daughter-in-law'.

"Yeowang Na Ra... behave.." Wang Myungsoo stared at his excited wife.

"My apologies, Your Majesty... But I really have this desire to see.." Yeowang Na Ra replied. She laugh and smack his husband's lap a lot of times.

"Do you have it, my child..?" Wang Myungsoo asked, rubbing his lap a little.

"Dae? A necklace, Your Majesty? Do you mean, this?"

Jaejoong pull out something from his hanbok. It is a black-thread necklace with pacifier pendant on it.

"Oh, I have this since I was young.." He explain. Wang Myungsoo and Yeowang Na Ra gasped in excitement.

"So, its really YOU.... Princess Jae!! Ha-ha-ha!" Wang Myungsoo took out something from his Hongryongpo (everyday clothes for the King).
It was a necklace, with a pacifier's cap as a pendant.

"You see, my child.." He said.Wang Myungsoo took Jaejoong's pacifier and put its cap on it. "This is the real prove of the deal... See? It matches yours perfectly.. Means, you're going to be my daughter-in-law.. Araseumnikka?" (Do you understand?) He asked Jaejoong.

"Dd.. daughter-in-law? Bb..b.. but, Your Majesty.. But, I... I.. I'm not...?"

"Arasseo, arasseo.. you think it's too early and you don't even know my son, right? I'll introduce you to him..."

'But I'm not a girl....' Jaejoong's sigh. The Emperor is not listening to him.

Wang Myungsoo give signal to Lady Sung Min and she quickly open the door ajar.

"Prince Yun and Prince Min is enterringgg...!!~"

Jaejoong's eyes became round as he found out who he saw...

7. Entering Dae Jang Geum (Jewel Palace)

Jaejoong was tired of knocking the car door and trying to get out. So he stop trying and start sulking.

"Don't think too much, princess.. Only Lady Empress Yeowang Na Ra wants to see you." Kibum said softly from the front seat.

"Are you crazy? Can't your eyes even tell whether I'm a boy or a girl?" Jaejoong shouted at him. "You crazy!" He smirk at Kibum.

Kibum just smile gleefully. He knew Princess Jae has a lot to improves on his/her manners.

"Bring him to Lady Sung Min. She know what to do!" Kibum give his assistant a command as soon as they reached the palace's garden. The big build bodyguards just grab Jaejoong arms and he was helpless in their grip. Kibum just laugh cheerfully. He can feel something great will happen in the palace very soon.....


"Aiii.." Sung Min sighed and smiles. She/He is adoring Jaejoong's pretty skin and look. Shindong smiles as well.

"Lady Sung Min, I want to chant a 4 lines poem.." He said.

"Go ahead, my boy Shindong.." Sung Min granted his wish.

(Writers POV: It was actually the first verse of Rokkugo lyrics..)

"Ahn, mahnda.. mahnda.. mahnda manha..." Shindong chant.

"Da... ippeun, ippeun, ippeunida.." Sung Min continues his poem line.

"Yoboge jogi, joge boyo.." Shindong grins become more idiotic.

Sung Min and Shindong got into a line and start waving their hips.

"Yobo, angyong anboyo!!" Both of them laugh hysterically.

Jaejoong look at them in awe. He smirked at them.
'Crazy people.. Is this really a palace?' He thought.

"Uhummm.. hmm.." Sung Min cleared his throat. She knew Jaejoong is hating them both already.

"Shindong!! Stop being cheesy. Respect the princess here.." Sung Min said. He turn and smile sweetly to Jaejoong. "Now.. you have to behave like a princess." He said as he grip Jaejoong's chin very hard. Jae screamed in pain.

"The Royal Empress Yeowang Na Ra-mama is going to meet you up. Just remember, don't say anything before she asked you. Don't stare at her in her eyes. Don't raise your voice... And... always adress her as, "Your Highness".." Sung Min let go of her grip."Araseumnikka?" (Do you understand? - in polite, orthodox way)

Jaejoong nodded quickly."Nan ara." (I know. - in manly command)

"Hmm?" Sung Min stared sharply at Jaejoong. Jaejoong shivered instantly.
"Er.. Aa.. Arasseo yo.." (I know - in feminine form)

"Guraesseo!" (Good!) Sung Min exclaimed happily and smiles."Now, princess... Let's go to the waiting room..." SungMin held Jaejoong's hand and lead him out from the royal dressing room.
Jaejoong tripped and trembled as he walk. He is not used to the fancy looking 'hanbok' (Korean traditional dress) that he is wearing right now. Luckily Lady Sung Min was holding his hand all the time. So they walked slowly and went inside another palace to a place call 'waiting room'.

'Waiting room, whatever..' Jaejoong smirk.


Changmin's eyes widen as he saw Jaejoong passing by the Royal meeting room. He blinked his eyes a little and rub it.
'Am I getting too sleepy during this meeting? Or am I thinking of Jae too much?' he thought and quickly focus on what Wang Myungsoo is talking. Yunho was kneeling next to him, focusing. His mother Yeowang Na Ra is next to his father on the throne. While his own mother, Yeowang Hae Jung is sitting down next to the throne. Next to it, on the floor.
And not on it. How Changmin pity his mother for that.

His father, Wang Myungsoo, was coughing all the times. He spoke a little bit by a little bit. It was about Prince Yun's day to get on his throne.

"I'm getting old.. Yunnie, Minnie.. Haha.. *suddenly cough*"

"Appa..." Changmin worried. He almost got up from kneeling.

"It's okay Min.. Anyway, thank you for coming back and listening to my word. Finally both of you brothers are together again.." Wang Myungsoo said. Yunho smirk at the emperors words.

"Prince Yun, my son.. Today I will crowned you as yeonchinwang (Crown Prince).. We are preparing for your celebration soon. *cough cough*"

Yeowang Hae Jung look at her husband sympathically.

On the other hand, Yeowang Na Ra was smiling, as she is not being attentive enough. Wang Myungsoo continues.
"I want you to replace me. And some more, I want to see your wedding before I die.." Wang Myungsoo said again.

"" Yunho cries.

"Don't talk back to me, Yun." The emperor snapped.

"But.. but I..." He mumbled.

"This is an order!"

"....." Yunho become speechless.

Yunho just accept his fate. 'How am I going to be gay if I have to marry?' he thought.
Changmin look a little at Yunho. 'How come you're getting married but you look so sad? What an ungrateful brat!'
He showed face to Yunho and look away.

"So, after this.. Me, your mother and your younger brother will lead you to your bride-to-be.."

"Mworeugesseo? (What?)" Yunho puzzled."Aigoo.. appa... You can't be serious.. aigoo.."

Yunho look up to his father. He immediately became crabby.

"Ha-ha-ha.. Are you happy, son? Ha-ha.. *cough* Oh my, I can't even laugh when I'm happy... God is realty testing me.."

"Husband, don't say that.." Yeowang Na Ra whispered and rub his chest a little. 'Good job, my baby..' She smiled and show her thumb to her son, Prince Yun.

The Royal Emperor laughed a little before they leave the meeting room. Changmin walked slowly behind his father and step-mother. Yunho the grumpy, is next to him. The rest of the servant, including Prince Min's mother are not allow to join the Royal family.

Lady Sung Min smiles as she sees Wang Myungsoo and Yeowang Na Ra coming towards them.

"The Emperor is enterring!!!! The Empress is entering....!!~ " Shindong say it out loud.

Jaejoong broke a sweat!

'They're here....'
He panic!


Writer's note:

Hi all readers! Thank u for reading my fics!
Pls do drop me a comment or two. Happy reading.
I really appreciate it!
02.04.08 .xara.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

6. Leaving Kim's House

Prince Yun flip his handphone. "Dae! Wae guraesseo, Siwon?" (In Royal polite accent)
The call was from Siwon, his assistant.

"My lord Prince Yun. You have to come back now. The car is waiting for you at the porch."

"Dae, agesumnida." (I understood.)

Prince Yun carried his bag and walk to the hallway.

Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu were talking and laughing down the hallway. Suddenly the three boys stops laughing and stood freeze. The gliterring Prince Yun is walking towards them.
It's not a mistake, he IS coming to them.
Yoochun and Junsu heart's flowered, pushing each other lightly. But Jaejoong's sweat just drop. He thought Prince Yun is really coming to get him. Maybe the prince want to tear him into pieces.

Yunho saw the three boys were staring at him. Yunho recognized one of them very much. He is the skinny joker he met at the school rooftop a few hours ago. Yunho walked himself to them. He stood right in front of Jaejoong and stared closely to him. Yunho looked at Jae up and down. Then he saw Jaejoong's shoes. It was pink in color. Yunho just grin at the shoes.

"You're as sissy as you look." He said coldly.

Jaejoong's face turned red. He bit his lips a little. He knew Yunho is making fun of his shoes. But he couldn't reply him back. Jaejoong frowned, as a sign of protest. He was so angry at Yunho.
Yunho smiles evilishly and walk off, disappear from their sight. Yoochun and Junsu were dumbfounded at the prince's action to Jae.

"I can't believe he just make fun of my shoes!!" Jaejoong screamed angrily. He stomp his foot a little and sulked.

"Whoa, I never knew Prince Yun have a sharp tongue!" Yoochun said."Did you do anything that make him pissed off?" Junsu asked curiously.

"I did not!!" Jaejoong stared widely at Junsu. "But Changmin loves my shoes.."

"Changmin??" YooSu replied together.

"Huh!! But who cares about what that stupid wangja say? I hate Prince Yun! I wish Korea have another prince than Yun!"

Another prince than Yun. That's what Jaejoong wished for.


Yunho got into the car and suprised to see Changmin was in there.
'Another joker..' his heart snapped.
'So he is back from oversea?' Yunho thought.
Yunho wished he could take another car but there was something happening in the palace. So Yunho had to share the car with Changmin, whether he likes it or not.

Changmin looked away as soon as his eyes meets Yunho. He hates Yunho as much as Yunho hates him. 'Aishh.. Why is this snobbish brat here?' Changmin smirk. Changmin quickly plug his ears with iPod and not talking a single word to Yunho. He don't even want to hear what his hyung got to say to him so he just listen to Boyz II Men.

The car just drove off as soon as the royal servants got into the limousine. Yunho close his eyes and tries to relax. Changmin was ignoring him as well. He wondered whats chaos that really happen in the royal palace. Is this about the throne again?


Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu walked happily to their home. Basically today Jaejoong's mother is cooking all three of them their lunch so YooSu is following Jaejoong to his house. YooSu stopped talking about Prince Yun suddenly. Jaejoong felt glad for that. They skipped and walked, skipped and walked until they reached Jae's house.
The three boys quickly took off their shoes and get into the house.

"Omma! I'm home!" Jae shouts happily.

"Eomunim! Annyeoung!" Yoochun waved happily to Mrs. Kim. Junsu grins widely and waved at her too.

"Ahh.. Annyeonghaseyo Junsunie, Yoochunnie.. Come in, come in! The food is ready for all of you!" Mrs. Kim greeted the boys with a smile and leads them to the kitchen.

"Omma!!" Jaejoong grab his mother shoulder and hug her from behind.
Mrs. Kim suprised by the hug. She smiles to her boy.

"Omma, you're the best! You cook ALL my favourite food!" Jae smiled and grin happily.

"Dae, gurae! (Of course!) Today is your birthday, don't you remember?" Mrs. Kim said.

"My birthday? Really?" Jaejoong at his mother, then to YooSu.

"Saeng il chuka hae, Jaejoong!! (Happy bithday Jaejoong!)" YooSu shouts together, showing him present in their hands.

"Wow!" Jaejoong was suprised. "For me? Thank you!!"
He grinned happily and took the present from Yoochun and Junsu.

"Aishhh.. My Jaejoong beondaegi (cocoon) really forgotten his own birthday .." Mrs. Kim laughed softly.

"Omma! Stop calling me beondaegi, beondaegi.. It's my birthday today, ok.. So be nice!"

"Ok, ok, arasseo.. Come boys, lets eat.."As the boys were digging in the delicious food, Mrs. Kim heard someone knocking the door.

"I'll get it..!" She got up and open the door. A few strong man entered the house and bump her shoulder hard.

"Ouch!!" Mrs. Kim scream in pain.

"Omma!! What happen?" Jaejoong yell from inside the house.

The blacksuited-bodyguards went into the house and start looking around. Mrs. Kim got up from the floor and went inside, stoping the men from entering her house.

"Who are you guys? Are you guys a loanshark? We don't own money to any loan shark!!! So, what do you want??" Mrs. Kim screamed like mad.

"Omma!!" Jaejoong heard his mother screaming. He quit eating and went out to the living room.
Jaejoong screamed in shock. He saw a lot of men inside his house. But they did not touch anything inside the house.

Kibum look around, taking off his sunshades. He look at Yoochun, Junsu and Jaejoong. He looked at Jaejoong very long before he bow to them.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness." He bow to Mrs. Kim. "My name is Kibum. I've come for the princess." He told Mrs. Kim politely.

"Princess? Er, I think, er, there aren't any princess in here." Mrs. Kim stumbled. "We are not high-class people.." She adds.

"If you're looking for a lady, I'm the only lady here!" Mrs. Kim explain.

Kibum got up from the long bow and look at Jaejoong. He look at his features and glance at his necklace. Then he smiled before he bow to Jaejoong.

"Annyeong hashimnikka, PRINCESS!" he said.

"ME?" Jaejoong point his finger to himself. "Eh?" He puzzled."An...An.. Ani yo, you're mis.. mis.. mistaken.. I'm not.. not.. not.. a GIRL!!!!" Jaejoong trembled in shock.

"You may say whatever you want, but the Royal Majesty Wang Myungsoo has said to me, to bring back the princess to the palace. I'm just doing my duty. So, please. Don't make it hard to you." Kibum said and smiled to Mrs. Kim.

"Omma!!!" Jaejoong shouts in panic to his mother.

Mrs. Kim tears fell down, as she was not able to say a word."Gurae yo.. (Okay then).." she paused and cry softly."Just do what you want..." She cry and cry.

"Omma!!" Jaejoong shouts.

"Eomunim!! Don't!!" Yoochun and Junsu stand in front of Jaejoong, as if protecting him.

Kibum was suprised by their friendship. He smiled and glance softly at the two boys.

"If you said Jae is a princess, then.. just pick me.. I'm willing to take his place.." Yoochun said excitedly.'Haha! If I become a princess, then I'll be married to Korean prince... Prince YUN!!' he grins.

"Yes, you can take me too, if you want." Junsu said wickedly. 'I can be with Prince Yun in the palace! Yahoo!!' He laughed.

"Omma!!" Jae shouts again. 'YooSu is really out of their mind!!!' Jae snapped. He cant believe his omma is not doing anything to stop them from taking him away.

"Mianhae, Jaejoongie.. my pretty boy, my baby... Your late father has promised the Emperor on this matter... Omma did not know how to protect you from them anymore... I'm sorry..."

"Omma!! How can this be??"

"You.. were born.. a girl... I thought by fixing you, they won't be coming anymore... but.. omma was wrong... They came and want to take you away from omma forever.. uhuk!"

"A girl?" Yoochun gasped.

"Fixing... him??" Junsu stunned.They look at each other.

"Me? A girl? Omma... don't tell me that this is true... Omma, tell me it's a lie!! It's a LIE!!!!" Jaejoong yell at her and cry.

"Mianhaeyo, my baby boy.. Omma is bad mother... Blame it on omma.." Mrs. Kim uttered softly. She is hitting her own face and blaming herself.

Jaejoong run away from YooSu. He hugs his mother tightly.

"No, you're not a bad mother.. Mianhae, I was bad to you. You gave birth to me, raise me well, make me a boy but I was not grateful to you." He sob."I was lazy, I didn't study hard and show you good grades.. But I will changed that now! Just please, omma, don't let them take me!" He cries.

"Yes, don't take him. He is not worth it. Take me instead!" Junsu replied.

"No, take me! I'm more pretty than him." Yoochun said. Junsu gave Yoochun a look.'Sorry, Junnie..' He whisper. Yoochun grin like an idiot but still expecting them to take him instead.

Kibum gave a look at his assistant and they quickly took both of Jaejoong's arm and drag him away from Mrs. Kim.

"Joesunghamnida, Mrs.Kim.. We are going now.." Kibum said as the bodyguard drag Jaejoong out. Jaejoong struggle and try to fled like usual but he failed.

"Omma! Omma! Omma!!!"

"Jaejoongie!! Jaejoongie!"Both of them try to reached out but Kibum moves quickly and push Jae inside the car. The door was child lock, so Jaejoong cannot get out.

"Omma! Omma!" Jae scream and knocked the glassdoor a lot of time.

The black Mercedes roamed down from Jaejoong's house. Mrs. Kim send her boy with tears.
It is a fate. A dark fate that cannot be avoided.

5. Jae with Min

Yunho send Seul Gi back to her classroom. The girls quickly got up and stand at the class door. They were whispering and smiling at him all the time. Seul Gi's friends were so anticipated to know if Prince Yun was proposing her as much as she boast.

Last week Seul Gi told them that Prince Yun want to marry her and asked her opinion. The girlfriends wonder what is going to happen next.

"Bye, Seul Gi." Yunho bid farewell and walk away.
"Bye.." she answered.

The girls quickly held Seul Gi's hand as Yunho leave. There was no ring on her finger. But they still not losing hope.

"Did Prince Yun proposed you?" a girl said.

"Aigoo.. I'm so excited to know!!" another girl scream.

"Aishh.. did he kissed you?" a girl next to Seul Gi ask.

"Yaaaah!" Seul Gi screamed and pull back her hand.

The girls were stunned freeze.
"Why are you guys so eager want to know??" She stammered and get herself back to her desk.
"Seul Gi-ya, wae gurae...(whats up).." A girl said softly. She quickly took an exercise book and fan her, hoping that Seul Gi would cool off.

Seul Gi was pretending like she rejected Prince Yun proposal.

"Are you guys crazy? How could I married so early! I'm a big fan of Dong Bang Shin Ki, I can't marry now or else I don't stand a chance!" She was bluffing but the friends really believed her.

"Aigoo.. you really pick Dong Bang Shin Ki over Prince Yun?" Another girl snapped.

"But Dong Bang Shin Ki is not bad, you know.." A girl smiled to Seul Gi idiotically.

"Maybe you're right.. Especially U-know!"

"Dae! Dae! He resembled Prince Yun a lot!!!!!"

"Aishh.." Seul Gi snapped. She turn to her right.

The girls starts gossiping loudly.

"Aigooo!!!" She turn to the left.

But she couldn't help it but to feel angry because Prince Yun is breaking up with her and decided to become a gay.
'A gay?' Seul Gi thought. "Aishh!" She yelled to her girls.

"Go away! Go away! I need some space.." She chased all her friends back to their seats. They were astonished but got their butts back into places.

Seul Gi was really pissed.....


After the class finished, Jaejoong told YooSu to wait up for him at the school hallway.

"Where are you going, Jae.." Junsu asked.

"I forgot something, so I'm going to get it back." Jaejoong told them, but actually he was lying.

Jaejoong is going to meet Changmin but he is just too lazy to bring YooSu together. 'Anyway this two annoying lovebirds should be left alone together more often..' Jae thoughts and smirk.

"Then, lets go together!" Yoochun proposed.

"Ahh.. ani, gwechana... (It's ok)" JaeJoong paused."A person going there is enough. I'll be quick!" And Jaejoong quickly fled just like usual.

"He sure is FAST!" Junsu blink his eyes a few times.

"Then lets wait for him at the hall. I don't think he'll be long.." Yoochun said and they both walk together.

When Jaejoong reached the corner where he met Changmin this morning, he saw the glittering boy was already there. Changmin was standing tall and looking so smartly waiting for him. The boy is wearing his pink shoe.

"Min!" JaeJoong ran to him quickly.

"Jae!" Changmin greeted.

"Hey, how was it? Did any of the seonsaengnim scold you?" Jaejoong gasped.

"Aniyo! (Nope!)" Changmin shook his head.

"All of them were so nice to me.. and the girls like your shoes.. This shoes make me become popular so suddenly.." Changmin smiles gleefully.

"Gurae seo? (Really?) Wow! Thank God!" Jaejoong sighed. "Yayy!" He jumped around a little.

Changmin just laugh at Jaejoong's attitude. To him, Jae is a interesting person.

"Then, maybe we can go out..?" Changmin simply asked.

"Sure.. But can I have my shoes back?" Jaejoong said.

"Sure!" Changmin quickly exchanged the shoes back with Jae.

"Let's go.." Jae said before he heard something ringing.

It was Changmin's handphone.

Jaejoong just look at him in astonishment. Changmin's was talking to a sleek, luxurious-looking handphone.

"Yeobo seyo? Dae! Ee Teuk? What's up?"Changmin is talking to Lee Teuk, who is his chief assistant. Lee Teuk is also very close to Prince Min as he was been with Min for years, since he was small.

"Prince Min! You have to hurried back to the palace! The Royal Emperor Myungsoo is having a big family meeting now, and he want me to inform you."

"Dae!" Changmin replied.

"And my lord Prince Min..?" Lee Teuk voice toned down.


"The Lady Yeowang Hae Jung want me to inform you, your father, Royal Emperor Wang Myungsoo is actually sick. That is why he had to do the Royal meeting now."

Changmin's face suddenly grew serious. "Arasseo yo. (I know) I will come back to the palace now." Changmin quickly flip his phone down.

'Palace?' Jaejoong dig his ear a little. Maybe he heard the wrong word. Basically Jae have no idea.
Changmin keep his phone is the pocket. "I'm sorry, Jae.. I think, I can't go with you." He said.
"Something just came up and I need to go back to the palace.. I mean, to my, er, home.. yes, right! Home!" Changmin stumbled panically.

"Oh, it's alright Min! We can go out tomorrow if you like." Jaejoong said.

"Really? Okay! See you tomorrow, Jae."

"Bye, Min!"

Changmin quickly make his moves and run.

"Wow! He is sure FASTER than me..!" Jaejoong whispered.

Suddenly he remembered YooSu who is waiting for him at the hallway.
"God! How could I forgot!~" Jaejoong pat his forehead and immediately run...

4. Jae meets Yun

JaeJoong walk up to the roof top of his school building. He planned to take a little nap up there, in his little secret place.
'YooSu are annoying! Aigoo..' he mumbled, still feel irritated by their previous conversation. So he sit down. He was hiding at one, dark corner and start dozing off.

JaeJoong's eomuni POV at home: "I wonder what that lazy (beondaegi) cocoon is doing.. I hope my boy is learning well at school... la la.." (starts singing and cook)

JaeJoong's POV on the roof:"What a nice weather... zzzzzZZz.." and forgetting the mother's advice..


"Seul Gi, come with me.." Prince Yun came and grab Seul Gi's arm before she could say a word. Her friends were smiling and waving at her like idiot.
'Seul Gi, hwaiting!!' They cheered together.

"What the hell..??" Seul Gi sighed. The girls thought something good would happen to Seul Gi today. Afterall, she is Prince Yun's fiancee.

But Prince Yun and Seul Gi were quarrelling softly along the way. Yunho felt bad for forcing her to go with him but he needs to talk to Seul Gi about something. Something important.

"Yun! Where are you dragging me!!" Seul Gi shouts as they reached the roof top.
JaeJoong snapped from his sleep. The girl's voice just woke him up.
'Aishh.. dugu ya? (Who is that) Why can't they leave me in peace..' JaeJoong got up, hide behind the wall and peek.

'Omo!' He gasped.

"Just who did I saw?" JaeJoong whispered. The girl is Seul Gi, the spoilt wangja's fiancee!

JaeJoong knew eavesdropping is bad, but he couldn't help it. He closed his mouth with his hand as he saw the glittering Prince Yun is there as well. He locked his eyes on Prince Yun. JaeJoong couldn't deny his prettiness.

"Yunnie.. Why are you behaving like this..?" Seul Gi said.

"I'm sorry. I'm not marrying you." Yunho answered.

"What? Just because I want to finish my studies first, then you decided to dump me? How could you!!" Seul Gi stomped her foot.

"No, I decide this just a while ago. So I thought I'd let you know." Yunho soft-spokenly replied her.

JaeJoong punched him palm. I knew Prince Yun is a bad person!
'He can't be all goody, isn't he..' JaeJoong thought and continue peeking.

"Can't you wait? Why must we get married now? Last week you told me you want us to be together as soon as possible.." Seul Gi sulking.

"Seul Gi-ya, that was LAST WEEK. Listen, I'm telling you TODAY. Now, I've decided NOT to marry you..." Yunho repeat himself.

"Dae! Dae! Gurae! I know! I was just making sure that you're serious..." Seul Gi yelled. She looked so sad and disappointed."Why, Yun.." She quietly sob.

Yunho looked Seul Gi in her eyes, feeling sad for her too. Yunho sighed and take a step closer to Seul Gi. He had to tell her.

"Because, I'm a gay.."

JaeJoong closed his mouth with both hands. Prince Yun is a GAY???!!! Holy the molly!!!

"Right. Very funny.." Seul Gi roll eyes. She didn't believe him.

"No, it's not funny! I am. Jinja eyo (Really)." Yunho face turn serious.

"You are?" Seul Gi widen her eyes, disbelief.

"Yes..." Yunho nods.

"Since when..." She question.

"Last week? After I said I want to marry you?" Yunho face turned idiotic.

'Does it makes any difference? Sounds to me he is making up excuses to break up with me.. Hmm..' Seul Gi took a moment before she decided.

'Right.. Prince Yun is breaking up with me. He is.'

'"Jerkkkk!!" Seul Gi slapped Yunho right on his face.

"Ouch!" JaeJoong gasped. He did not expect Prince Yun to be gay. He didn't expect a slap will come from Seul Gi either. This is so dramatic! JaeJoong still gasping behind the wall.

"Who is there?" Yunho shout loudly. He thought he heard someone.

Silence. JaeJoong just realized that he was spotted. 'Omo! Prince Yun knew I'm here... I'm so dead...!! I better run..' JaeJoong tried to run away, before he found out Yunho was already behind him.

"You!!" He said. JaeJoong turned around. Yunho was looking deeply into JaeJoong's brown eyes. JaeJoong was drawn into Prince Yun's beautiful eyes. He just freeze there, grinning.
JaeJoong's foot seems stuck on the ground.

"Dugu seyo?" Seul Gi step inside, looking at JaeJoong's guilty face. JaeJoong just grin at Seul Gi and remain silence. His eyes became big, aware of Yunho's gestures. JaeJoong's heart pounds rapidly.

"I... I.. I didn't hear anything... I have iPod in my ears.. So.. Goodbye!" He quickly made his run but Yunho is even faster. He grab JaeJoong's blazer and pull him back.

"You..." He said, staring at JaeJoong.

"Y..yyes?" JaeJoong broke a sweat, knowing that Yunho is going to rip his blazer any minute.

"Don't tell anyone.." Yunho paused and pinched JaeJoong's cheek a little."Or I'll make my bodyguards beat you up until you forgot your own name. You understand me?"

"Dd...dd.. dae! I understand it completely!" JaeJoong trembled and nods.

"Don't play dumb.. Or I'll make you become one.. I hate jokers like you.." Yunho poked JaeJoong's head.

"Yunnie.." Seul Gi sounds worried.

A prince should behave like a prince, not like a gangster! She called Yunho's name again, making him stop.

"Let's go Seul Gi.." Yunho grab Seul Gi's arm and walked away from JaeJoong.

"Praise the wangja.." JaeJoong said and quickly bow to the Prince, eventhough he reluctantly doing it. He just too scared with Yunho. He don't want to get into any trouble.

Yunho walking fast, dragging Seul Gi with him. JaeJoong smirk and put his tongue out as Yunho and Seul Gi disappeared to the staircase.
'What a jerk!! Stupid prince!' He cursed.
'Luckily Seul Gi has slapped you for me!' He smirked again.
'I'll definitely kick you the next time!!' JaeJoong lift his leg up and kick the air.
But boy, he was so scared when Yunho stared him with eagle-eyes.
'What a bad prince! I hate Prince Yun!!' he screamed.

3. YooSu and Jae

The bell ring loudly. Students start to keep their stationeris and books. It's recess time!!

"Junsu, Yoochun.. let's go to the cafe. I'm starving!" JaeJoong said.

"Oh, dae!" Both answered 'okay'.

They went out from the class and bumped into a gorgeous boy. The boy was shimmering from far, also known as Prince Yun. He does not look at anyone and seldom smiles. But still, he is so gorgeous even with grumpy face!

JaeJoong just lock his eyes at Prince Yun while both of his friends are envying the prince.

"That wangja (prince) is so ippeun (pretty), neh.." Yoochun said.

"I'm jealous of him too. How can he look so perfect?" Junsu rubs his chin.

"Geu sarameun wangja-eyo! (He is a prince!)PU-RINS-SEU! He have a different blood.. That's why he shines!" Yoochun replied.

"I wish I can be like him." Junsu is smiling.

"Oh, I wish I'm with him.." Yoochun answered.

'With him?' Junsu gave Yoochun a look.

"Yoochunnie!" Junsu stammered at Yoochun's idea.
'Don't say like that, I'll get jealous..' Junsu mumble as he stared at Yoochun in his eyes.

"Sorry, I was just kidding!" Yoochun cover his mouth and laugh hysterically.
Obviously Yoochun was simply teasing Junsu.

'Bad Yoochun.. So bad!!' Junsu bit his lips, sulking.

'Sorry! Sorry! I'm just kidding!' Yoochun giggled.

"Hajima, you lovebirds.. I'm getting hungry. Can we have our food now?" JaeJoong cuts their conversation.

Yoochun and Junsu gasped at look at each other. "You knew? (about us)..?" Both asked immediately.

"Knew about what?" JaeJoong sigh."Ppalli ka ja (Let's go quickly!).. I'm really starving.." He continued.
So the boys just keep quiet and moves their butts to the cafeteria.
They were sighing and wiping each other sweat drops. They thought JaeJoong didn't know.
Or maybe he did but he wont admit it. JaeJoong just hide his evil smile.

At the cafe, Yoochun and Junsu still talking about the prince. They talked from the first bite of the meal, until the last carrot bit in their noodle.

It's Yun. Yun. Yun.

Of how rich he is.
Of how perfect his eyes were.
Of his 1000watt killersmiles.

'Aish... That Prince Yun is sure popular~' he thought.JaeJoong eats his pudding and smirk.
'Everyone is talking about him..~ Like there's no one else to talk about..~' He smirk again.
'Wait until they meet my friend, the new student. His name is Changmin. I think he is way better than the prince..~' Smirk again.

JaeJoong finished his last bite of the pudding and got up.

"Eh? Where are you going, Jae...?" Junsu and Yoochun look at him.

"To freshen up! Bye!" JaeJoong quickly got up and sneak out from the cafe. He left YooSu behind.

"Oh, he seems pissed?" Yoochun raised a brow.

"I think he hates Prince Yun." Junsu replied.

"Really?" Yoochun whispered near Junsu.

"Hu-uh." Junsu nodded.

"I see.. well.. Back to our topic.. where were we?" Yoochun starts talking and gossiping of more and more of Prince Yun.

Of his great dance skill...
Of his good grades..

It was a neverending story of Prince Yun.

2. Min meets Jae

JaeJoong look up to his watch. It's almost 7:50am.

"Aigoo, omma! I'm going to be late again!" He shouted, biting the last bite of his bread.

"Mwo yah? (What?) Then quickly get your ass to school, you cocoon!! Aishhh..~" His mother gave a hard pat on his back.

JaeJoong yell in pain. He quickly grab his school bag and put on his shoes.
Yes, he put on the shoes without looking. And he start running to school like an idiot.

The dicipline teacher is waiting at the gate. When it's already 8am, he will ask his assistant to lock the gate up and punished the late comers. JaeJoong is fed up of the punishment. He ran as fast as he could so he can be on time.

The teacher is waiting, looking at his watch. JaeJoong run and run, so he manage to get there on time. He walked up straight in front of everyone, showing his chest off and smile proudly. The late comers, as usual. Teacher made them squat down, holding their bag up high on their heads and start duck-walking around the school pavement.

JaeJoong walked happily, passing the teacher's office before he heard a voice.

"Kim Jae Joong...!"

Headmaster Choi suddenly raised up his voice to him. JaeJoong stop walking and turn around.

"Dae, seonsaengnim.." He answered.

"Yah... is it just my eyes or you are wearing a fancy shoes to school?" The headmaster asked, tapping his cane on his hand.

JaeJoong looked down to his foot.

'Ahhh!!!' he nearly let go a huge scream but JaeJoong quickly control it.
He wore his pink-coloured canvass shoes to school, and he didn't realized it until Headmaster Choi point it out.

'Aigoo.. what should I do.. My God, WHAT-HAPPEN-TO-ME! I'm SO stupid!!' He wanted to knock himself so badly.

"Hmm?" Headmaster Choi asked again.

"Hmm..? He.. he.. he.." JaeJoong grinned innocently and move slowly to backward.

"Yah, what are you doing? Are you running away? Come back here, you monkey!!"

JaeJoong didn't wait any longer. He just run away from the headmaster.

"Don't run, you fool!" The headmaster chased him with the cane all around.

"Oh my, I need to go to class! But why did I bump into seonsaengnim?? Aishh, I always have bad luck!! Aishhh.." He mumbled.

The headmaster still chasing and cursing him from behind.JaeJoong panicked. He quickly took a corner in front of him and hide behind a wall.

"Oh!" Changmin was suprised by JaeJoong sudden appearance.

"Oh, joesunghamnida!" JaeJoong apologized quickly and bow.

As he look up, he saw the glittering aura from Changmin's face. Changmin is as hot as Won Bin to him. He never saw anyone like him before. Anyway, he never saw him in school before!

"Are you a new student?" JaeJoong asked politely.

"Dae!" Changmin replied. "I was trying to find my class and I kind of.. lost.." He smiled.

"Aahh.." JaeJoong nodded. So I was right, he is a new guy.

"No wonder I have never seen you before. I wish I could help, but, er, the teacher is chasing me. I need to go.." JaeJoong said and start looking around.

As JaeJoong tried to fled, Changmin heard a sound from far.

"Kim Jae Joong!!! Kim Jae Joong!!! Don't run away!!!"

Changmin thought, it must be the teacher. He quickly grab Jae Joong's arm and pull him close to his body.

"Aishh.. why are you pulling me?" JaeJoong snapped.

He flew into Changmin's arms and fell onto his chest. He heard Changmin's heartbeat was beating up so fast. JaeJoong felt embarrased but he couldn't move.
'What perfume is he wearing too?' JaeJoong started sniffing.

Changmin pull his school blazer a little and hide JaeJoong's face underneath it.

"Shhh... Don't say a word.." Changmin whispered and they hide beneath Changmin's blue blazer.

The headmaster came by and looked around, didn't notice their presence behind the walls and he went away.

"Wow! Thanks! You saved me!" JaeJoong smiled and let go a sigh.

Changmin smile happily, knowing that he did something good today.

"May I know why is the teacher looking for you?" He ask.

"Oh, because of this!" JaeJoong showed his pink shoes to Changmin.

"Oh my Lord, that is so cute!" Changmin gasped.

"Really? Wow! Thanks for the compliment!" JaeJoong laughed softly."Well, I'll be in trouble if I wear this for today." JaeJoong told Changmin.

"Don't you have a proper school shoes?" Changmin asked.

"Well, I have... but I took this one instead of the other. My bad." He confessed.

"Well, you can have mine... if you want.." Changmin showed him his shoes.

JaeJoong just look at Changmin in disbelief.

"Are you SERIOUS??" He laughed.

"Yes, I am. Since I am a new student, I believe I will be 'forgiven'..." Changmin give JaeJoong an evil look (making his eyes uneven in size).

"Right..." JaeJoong sort of get the idea but he still suprised.

"I can just tell them, well, in Bulgaria, we wear pink shoes. I think seonsaengnim will spare me.." Changmin make his eyes smaller, looking slightly convincing than before.

"Alright then... You can have my pink shoes.." JaeJoong quickly took it off and they exchanged shoes.

Changmin smile happily as he wore the shoes. JaeJoong seems happy to get a pair of white school shoes, too.

"Let's change it back after school!" Changmin uttered.

"Right! We meet back here!" JaeJoong agreed.

"I'm Changmin!" Changmin held his hand out.

"JaeJoong! Call me Jae." JaeJoong shakes Changmin's hand and smile gleefully.

Changmin grin and they parted. He look at the pink shoes.

'Omma, I made a new friend just now. His name is Jae and he wears cute pink shoes.' He walked to his class with a killersmile. Finally he is there. Everyone look so anticipated to meet him.

"Class, let teacher introduce you to our new classmate.. Prince Min."

"Hi everybody, I'm ChangMin. Nice to meet you." Everyone applause.

Changmin took a seat at an empty place, and the girls were looking at his pink shoes and starts to adore it...

1. Prince Min

Changmin just keep quiet all morning. He was a bit nervous about his new school. Changmin has been out from the country for 3 years and just came home last week after his father, The Emperor ask him to return back to Korea.

"You don't talk back to me, Min. I command you to come back." Wang MyungSoo stammered on the phone and quickly disconnect the line.

Changmin sigh. He knew why he need to come back.

There is another prince in the palace. And this prince is his brother from different mother. He will be turning 18 years old soon. There will be a major celebration for this prince. He will also be crowned as a Crown Prince. He is Changmin's step-brother.

His name is Yunho.

Today is his first day in Soong Hyun High. Changmin dressed nicely. His blazer and shirt were neat.His copper blond hair was done perfectly. He smiled to his omma before he went out from the palace.

"Omma, hakkyo ga." (I'm going to school.)

"Take care, son. Make a lot of friends, okay?" His mother, Yeongwang Hae Jung said and pat Changmin's head softly.

"Dae." He replied his mum and smiled.

The black, tinted glass luxurious Mercedes glides off from the palace porch and bring Changmin straight to school. The stepbrother supposed to be with him now but he cannot be found by the bodyguards.
Changmin just keep quiet and plugged his ear with his iPod.

'I can't wait to go to school..' he thought.


The Mercedes stop immediately in front of the school hallway. Two bodyguards went out and open the door for the prince. A bunch of girls already waited for Prince Yun. They bring gifts, chocolates, and never forget, their cybershot cameras and cameraphone with them.

As soon as the person walks out, the school walkway will turn into a red carpet scenery!
Camera flashes everywhere, flower petals flying into the air.
But it wasn't Prince Yun.

He is as tall as and as handsome as Prince Yun. He is glittering from far. The girls crowd were stunned.
'Dugu seyo?' a girl whisper. (Who is that?)
'Mulla yo..' another girl replied. (Have no idea..)
'I know who he is!! He is the second son of Wang MyungSoo. He is the second prince of Korea!!' Another girl jumped in.

"Prince Min! Did I pronounce your name right?" The girl shouted from far.

"Yae, yae. Majayo. Annyeong haseyo (Yes, yes.. Right.. Hello all..)" He spoke back to her and the crowd suddenly went wild.

Changmin just grinned and asked his bodyguards not to be so rough on the girls as he walked by through the front yard until he entered the building. They were crowding around him and taking his pictures. Changmin smiles gleefully. He wonders if that spoil Yun-hyung experience this everyday.
'Aigoo...~' If he does, then now its my time to shine brighter than you! 'Haha!' He sniggered.
Changmin grin again, killing his dream and the crowd went wild, girls drooling all over the place and screamed.


Reason why i created this fic in this blog is....
the last time Winglin was in a wreck!!!!!

I was so scared my fic will be gone foreverrr...!! Ha-ha-ha!
Hope this fic will be safe here. At least, for now...


Jung Yun Ho
as Prince Yun

Shim Chang Min
as Prince Min

Kim Jae Joong
as Prince Jae / another prince(ss) in the making

Park Myung Soo as
The Royal Emperor / Wang MyungSoo(haha i cant find anyone else to play emperor role...)

Jang Na Ra
as Prince Yun's mother
also The Royal Empress / Yeowang Na Ra (they'll be a cute Royal couple)

Kang Hae Jung
as Prince Min's mother
also The Little Empress / Yeowang Hae Jung

special appearance:
TVXQ YooSu and SuperJunior
Bae Seul Gi


30/03/2008 . xara .